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钋是用来引爆核弹的。Polonium is used to set off a nuclear bomb.

1898年,他们发现了钋和镭。In 1898 they discovered polonium and radium.

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为了表达对祖国的敬意,她给它命名为卜。In honour of her motherland, she named it polonium.

钋是高放射性的元素,金属。Polonium is a highly radioactive element and a metalloid.

把钋或者钍放在,开一个小口的含铅的盒子里面。So, you've got polonium or thorium sitting inside this leaded box with one opening.

铀矿山坑道污水含有铀、镭、钍、钋等放射性核素,外排前必须加以处理。There are some radioactive nuclides such as uranium, radium, thorium and polonium in pit effluent of uranium mine.

他们说这个前俄国特工可能是被钚210毒死的。你知道这种元素是谁发现的吗?They say the former Russian agent might have been poisoned by polonium 210. Do you know who discovered this element?

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我们从1911年开始,那年诺贝尔组织宣布了化学奖将授予居里夫人,因其她在镭和钋所做的研究。We begin in 1911, when the Nobel Committee announced that its Chemistry Prize would go to Madame Marie Curie for her work with radium and polonium.

安德烈·卢戈沃伊——被控把放射性钋投入前克格勃特工亚历山大·利特维年科的茶里的人——得到普金的私人保护。Andrei Lugovoi – the man who allegedly slipped radioactive polonium into former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko's tea – enjoys the personal protection of Putin.

铀矿山坑道污水含有铀、镭、钍、钋等放射性核素,外排前必须加以处理。There are some radioactive nuclides such as uranium, radium, thorium and polonium in pit effluent of uranium mine. The effluent must be treated before discharging.

一个紧张的夏天和秋天过去后,还有一庭审等着,玛丽居里,被挫伤但是任然不屑,去拿表彰她发现镭和破的奖。After a tense summer and fall, with the trial still to come, Marie Curie, "bruised but defiant," went to claim her prize for the discoveries of radium and polonium.

1898年她发现了这些新放射性矿物中的第一种。为向她的祖国一波兰表示敬意,她把这种矿物取名为“钋”,并写了一篇关于钋的研究论文。In 1898 she discovered the first of these new radioactive minerals, which she named "polonium" in honour of her motherland-Poland, and on which she wrote a research paper.

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凶猛的克林姆林宫批评家在英国获得庇护,普京被告在他临死前被给含钋的毒药。这个控诉已被克林姆林宫愤怒地否定。Litvinenko, a fierce Kremlin critic given asylum in Britain, accused Putin on his deathbed of being behind his polonium poisoning — charges the Kremlin has angrily denied.

冷战时期延续下来的仇恨依然存在,在伦敦前俄罗斯国家安全局特务亚历山大利特维年科在伦敦被钋210毒杀的事件表明,俄罗斯内部权力主义和违反规则做法的幽灵依旧存在。Cold War enmities die hard and the mysterious murder in London of Alexander Litvinenko, the former KGB spy killed by polonium 210, revived the specter of Russian authoritarianism and foul play.