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商管学士毕业生于茶聚中与老师们拍照留念。BBA graduates took a group photo with teaching faculty in the Tea Reception.

胡先生向在场的商管生讲述他在证券资本市场业界发展的经历。Mr. Wu was sharing his experiences in equity capital markets with BBA students.

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此外,工商管理的表达式可以增加的hsp60在12h后sn病变。In addition, BBA could increase the expression of HSP60 at 12 h after SN lesion.

尹祖伊先生向在场的25位商管生传授时间管理心得。Mr. Joey Wan was sharing his experiences on time management with 25 BBA students.

这名词对你来说可能很陌生,但对四名商管生来说便再熟悉不过。The term "Xiao Hua Miao Zu" may be unfamiliar to you, but 4 BBA students know it well.

自1995年起,浸大商管生已在此项大赛中屡获殊荣。Since 1995, our BBA students have achieved outstanding winning records in this contest.

自1995年起,浸大商管生已在此项年度大赛中屡获殊荣。Since 1995, HKBU BBA students have achieved outstanding winning records in this competition.

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这导致BBA展开调查,并保证说要对银行给出的利率进行更严格的审查。That led to a BBA review and the pledge that the rates banks contribute would be better policed.

修毕科技及管理学双学位课程之毕业生同时获颁授工学士及工商管理学士学位。Graduates from the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management earn two degrees, BEng and BBA.

教职员在迎新营的第一天,欢迎约300位新生成为工商管理学院的一份子。Teaching faculty welcomed around 300 BBA new students on the first day of the BBA Orientation Camp.

经过多月的备战,四位商管生已建立团队精神。After several months of pre-match practice, the four BBA students have built up a great team spirit.

目前,艾托银行在巴西、巴哈马、乌拉圭、阿根廷和美国设有分行。Currently , ita bba has offices in brazil , the bahamas , uruguay , argentina and the united states.

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教职员在迎新营的第二天,欢迎约二百五十位新生成为工商管理学院的一份子。Teaching faculty welcomed around 250 BBA new students on the second day of the BBA Orientation Camp.

虽然没有获得任何奖项,但浸大的商管队伍认为今次经验很宝贵,并在过程中获益良多。Though not winning any prize, our BBA Team valued this experience and did learn a lot in the process.

廿四位杰出商管生与院长、副院长及其他教职员合照。Twenty-four outstanding BBA students took a group photo with Dean, Associate Deans and other teaching faculty.

BBA兼电子商务是我校圣约翰分部新开设的一个专业,也是在加拿大首创的专业。BBA with a Major in Electronic Commerce is Saint John's new program in electronic commerce, the first in Canada.

七大主修的老师亦在简介会内与同学分享浸大商管课程的特色。Teaching faculty from the Seven Majors also shared with them salient features of BBA courses in a briefing session.

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超过200位商管生协助解答参观人士的查询,并派发了约6,400本课程小册子。Over 200 BBA students assisted in answering the enquiries of visitors and near 6,400 BBA brochures were distributed.

在参与夏令营之前,就读保良局董玉娣中学的魏芷媛不清楚自己是否适合就读工商管理课程。Before joining the camp, Ngai Tsz Wun from Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College did not know whether BBA is her "Mr. Right".

夏令营结束前,124位中六参加者与浸大商学院的老师、职员及同学合照。At the end of the summer camp, the 124 Sixth Former took photo with School of Business's faculty, staff and current BBA students.