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富布赖特却不同意。Fulbright disagreed.

富布赖特参议员也出席了葬礼。So was Senator Fulbright.

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波.里斯的话对富布赖特产生了很大影响。Bo Reece had a big impact on Fulbright.

我申请了富布赖特奖学金,I have applied for Fulbright scholarship

学生名单通常由当地的富布莱特法案基金委员会提名。Local Fulbright committees generally nominate the students.

按照李.威廉姆斯的建议,我也请了富布赖特参议员。At Lee Williams’s suggestion, I also asked Senator Fulbright.

过了大约五分钟,富布赖特问我在往哪里开。After about five minutes Fulbright asked me where I was going.

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每一年,大概有六千人能得到富布莱特法案基金的担保。Each year, about six thousands people receive Fulbright grants.

7月30日,富布赖特击败了吉姆.约翰逊和另外两个不那么有名的候选人。On July 30, Fulbright defeated Jim Johnson and two lesser-known candidates.

本周在我们的“外国学生系列”里,我们将谈到“富布莱特项目”。This week in our Foreign Student Series, we talk about the Fulbright Program.

张礼卿,美国哥伦比亚大学环球研究院高级访问研究员。Liqing Zhang is a Fulbright senior visiting fellow in CGSD at Earth Institute.

富布莱特参议员也相信,这个基金方案能培养出未来的世界领袖。Senator Fulbright also believed the program could educate future world leaders.

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富布赖特40年代进入国会时,人们的期待和现在的大不一样。Fulbright had gone to Congress in the 1940s, when expectations were very different.

在听了那么多种族主义的言论后,富布赖特差点儿激动地没从椅子上滑下来。After all the racist talk we’d been hearing, Fulbright nearly fell out of his chair.

来自北京大学的牛可教授是去年的美国富布赖特学者。And Professor Niu Ke from Peking University was a Fulbright Scholarship -Scholar in the U.

这个秋天,她将会借助富布莱特奖学金美国部门的资助重返阿塞拜疆。She will be returning to Azerbaijan this fall on a U. S. Department of State Fulbright grant.

组办除汉弗莱、富布莱特或国际访问者以外的其它学友项目活动。Organizing events for alumni of programs other than Humphrey, Fulbright or International Visitor.

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他已经把富布赖特排除在外,而且无论什么性质的谈话也无法拆倒他心中的那道墙。He had turned Fulbright off, and no amount of talking could bring the wall in his mind down again.

他同富布赖特及我握了握手,说他一直在等着富布赖特的到来,然后邀请我们进屋里参观一下。He shook hands with Fulbright and me, said he’d been expecting him, and invited us in for a visit.

帮助组织汉弗莱、富布莱特或国际访问者协会地区分会。Helping to organize regional chapters of the Humphrey, Fulbright or International Visitors associations.