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我下载后发现这首歌曲的唱片。I found this song after downloading their discography.

科比的球迷们是否满足于他现在的状态?Should Kobe's fans be satisfied with his current discography ?

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包括多首热门单曲,以及以往的专辑中不曾收录的歌曲。Some tracks are rare, or not included in her discography albums.

West的作品集包含了数不清的关于Jackson的引用和典故。West's discography contains innumerable references and allusions to Jackson.

方法对33例患者的39个椎间盘行开放式MR导引下椎间盘造影术。Methods MR-guided lumbar disc discography was performed in 39 disks of 33 patients.

他发行出版过75张专辑,为他带来了超过15座“格莱美”音乐奖。His discography includes over 75 albums, including more than 15 Grammy award winners.

终于有时间可以睡个大觉并继续编写我的肖练目录了。Finally, I have time to relax, sleep and continue to compile my Chopin Etudes discography.

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支持即时消息传递以及高级音乐功能,其中用户可以上传音乐分类目录。Instant messaging is supported along with a highly advanced feature for music where users can upload their discography.

拥有一份超过150张唱片的成绩单,国王歌手合唱团不仅收获了许多奖项,还赢得了无数的赞誉。With a discography of well over 150 recordings The King's Singers have garnered both awards and significant critical acclaim.

结论开放式MR结合光学导引系统用于引导椎间盘造影术是可行的、安全的。Conclusions Open MR scanner with an optical tracking system guidance and monitoring lumbar disc discography is feasible and safety.

目的评价开放式MR扫描仪结合光学追踪系统行椎间盘造影术操作方法的可行性及安全性。To evaluate the feasibility and safety of lumbar disc discography carried out in an open MR scanner with an optical tracking system.

目的评价开放式MR扫描仪结合光学追踪系统行椎间盘造影术操作方法的可行性及安全性。Objective To evaluate the feasibility and safety of lumbar disc discography carried out in an open MR scanner with an optical tracking system.

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目的应用椎间盘造影对椎间盘源性腰痛进行诊断并评价椎间融合手术的疗效。Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of lumbar discography in discogenic low back pain and the effects of intervertebral fusion surgery.

此研究证据显示椎间盘摄影术及疼痛激发试验对精确诊断及选择手术方法是重要且可靠的依据。The available evidence suggests that the discography and pain provocation studies are mandatory and reliable in diagnosis and making surgical decisions.

诊断治疗过程中,对所有病人进行诱发性椎间盘造影,其中包括评价预备融合节段的临近间盘。During the diagnostic workup, all patients had undergone provocative discography that included the assessment of the discs adjacent to the intended fusion levels.

椎间盘造影是指在病变椎间盘内注入造影剂,根据所诱发出的类似平日的一致样疼痛,来判断椎间盘源性病变。Discography means to inject the contrast agent into affected disc, so as to induce the pain similar to usual discogenic pain, and thus judge the discogenic low back pain.

有大量的信息被包容在这小小的用来包裹的纸片上,常常会注上特别的歌曲、演唱会日期、历年专辑和发行周年纪念等。An amazing amount of information is packed onto this little wraparound piece of paper, often noting special tracks, concert dates, discography information and release anniversaries.