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警察的路上微风猛掷,告诉给一台电话。Police road breeze the hurl tell a telephone.

把隐士、王冠和刀剑扔进深坑。Hurl helmets, crowns, and swords into the pit.

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他能极准确地扣杀球。He can hurl tennis rackets with deadly accuracy.

地球上的雷暴雨会把反物质掷进太空Thunderstorms on Earth Hurl Antimatter Into Space

我抓起一个散发着香味的瓶子,用力投向他们。I grab a sweet-scented bottle and hurl it at them.

那四个人显然是准备好了要向他扑上去的。They were evidently ready to hurl themselves upon him.

炮弹投掷和蒸汽锤击不再共享冷却时间。The Hurl Boulder and Ram effects no longer share a cooldown.

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在选举过程中,造谣中伤恐怕还阻止不了我的当选。To start a rumour for me might not hurl away on my election.

他学会如何使用甩石袋向熊和狮子投掷石头。He learned how to use a sling to hurl stones at bears and lions.

我叫他不要扔掉他的过期的医学杂志。I asked him not to hurl away the old copies of his medical journals.

的欢呼声中纵身跳下深渊,心里想的是,“我穿了绑带,屁股看上去大吗?”I hurl myself into the abyss thinking “does my bum look big in this?”

巴顿将军问是否有必要马上要卧倒在地面上。General Barton said if there was any hurry to hurl down on the ground.

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用网球拍投掷移动的小东西,我准星挺高。I can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy.

这个年青的田径运动员已能把铁饼投掷60码远。The young track and field athlete could already hurl the discus 60 yards.

迅猛的水流可能会把他甩到障碍物上,缠绕传输空气的软管。Swift currents may hurl him against an obstacle and strangle his air hose.

要扼住鬼影的咽喉,把它制伏在地上,那是不容易的事。It is difficult to seize darkness by the throat, and to hurl it to the earth.

女人开始在停着的车子之间躲藏,而他还在侮辱她。As she tried to hide between parked cars, he continued to hurl insults at her.

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他不会见你一面,就莽莽撞撞的投进爱情的陷阱。He will not see your one side, vast bump of the hurl enter the trap of the love.

跟着第一个后面,我又猛投了几个瓶子,然后瓶子之后是书。I hurl a few more bottles after the first one, then the books after the bottles.

对敌时列成圆阵,标枪飞掷,然后挥动长剑杀入敌阵。Jinetes hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords.