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一个小念头对于整个世界就是敲钟挖墓的教堂执事。A little thought is sexton to all the world.

他的父亲在当地教会做教堂司事。His father worked as sexton in the local church.

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房子的一半被这位教堂司事占着。One-half of the house was occupied by the sexton.

房子的一半被这位教堂司事佔著。One-half of the house was occupied by the sexton.

“没有,”司事回答道,“但是消息一定泄露出去了!”"No, " replied the sexton. "but word must have leaked out! "

安妮·塞克斯顿是美国自白诗派的重要女诗人。Anne Sexton is the most important confessional poet in America.

要使这成为可能,Sexton在装置上加入两个小新发明。To make this possible, Dr Sexton has added two new gizmos to the equipment.

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于是司事就将老二带走了,让他在教堂敲钟。The sexton therefore took him into his house, and he had to ring the church bell.

安妮·塞克斯顿是继西尔维亚·普拉斯之后第二位自杀的自白派诗人。As a confessional poet, Anne Sexton followed Sylvia Plath's example and ultimately committed suicide.

Sexton博士和他的同事们所完成的是改造这一技术使之能将每副画面一次性地导向几个不同的方向。What Dr Sexton and his colleagues have done is to adapt the technique to steer each image in several directions at once.

“再会吧!”小克劳斯说,于是他就推着钱和那只大箱子走了,牧师还坐在箱子里面。"Farewell, " said Little Claus, as he went off with his money and the GREat chest, in which the sexton lay still concealed.

“萨玛斯告诉我们,盖纳是一个在拉里登上榜首很少见的人之一,他时不时的揭拉里的短,说,暂停,要重新考虑一下这个职位”,约翰说,“这在某种程度上也使拉里三思而后行,偶尔改变他的看法”。Rethink that position, '" says Sexton. "And do it in a way that caused even Larry to stop and think and even occasionally change his view."

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为稳住白宫宝座,总统派遣白宫情资分析师瑞秋•谢克斯顿至米尔恩冰棚检证这项发现的真伪。With the Oval Office in the balance, the President dispatches White House Intelligence analyst Rachel Sexton to the Milne Ice Shelf to verify the authenticity of the find.

在埃德加葬礼之前,希斯克里夫贿赂教堂司事把凯瑟琳棺材的一侧拆掉。Heathcliff removes the side of Catherine's coffin Before Edgar's funeral, Heathcliff pays the sexton to uncover Catherine's grave where he removes the side of her coffin. Ch 29

因为这个缘故,所以这个牧师这时才来向这女人道“日安”,因为他知道她的丈夫不在家。这位贤慧的女人把她所有的好东西都搬出来给他吃。In consequence of this dislike, the sexton had gone to visit the farmer's wife during her husband's absence from home, and the good woman had placed before him the best she had in the house to eat.