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看这首诗的最后一段。Look at the last stanza.

其中没有通道对应的节。There is no channel stanza.

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第五章只有一节韵诗。The fifth chapter has only one stanza.

这段从150行开始。This is the stanza that begins with line 150.

所以,中秋又称“团圆节”。So, the Mid-Autumn call" reunited stanza" again.

如果卧室房间不大,也可满铺地毯。If bedroom stanza the anti is big, also full spread rug.

第一个配置部分是应用程序的全局配置。The first configuration stanza is global to the application.

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但却有一个目标,这在最后一节里有描写。It has a goal, however, that's described in that last stanza.

最后,对您所做的更改作文档记录,并保存您的节文件。Finally, document what you have done, and save your stanza files.

我认为这一节并没有损害全诗的统一性。I don't think this stanza detracts from the integrity of the poem.

此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。This stanza comes from the worker's big strike of American Chicago.

他在足球赛中为校歌即兴创作歌词。Heimprovised a new stanza form the school song at the football game.

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足球比赛时,他临时编了一首新曲作校歌。种竹成林。He improvised a new stanza form the school song at the football game.

这一想法使他在,第二节里冥想。This idea leads him to the meditation that's in the second stanza there.

这种的诗节在雪莱的诗中很多方面是破格的。A stanza of this sort is in many respects anomalous in Shelley's poetics.

在最后一节,突然转到了一个非凡的视角。In the last stanza then there is that extraordinary shift of perspective.

节中有给小童压岁钱、亲朋好友贺年等。In the stanza make New Year's visit the child New Year's Money, friend etc.

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此电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人以便大家都能分享此启请颂。This email is Bcc to all on my email list so they can all share the stanza.

在第二段中她单独演唱,让这首歌迸发出了火花。She then sings the second stanza by herself, giving the song some real smolder.

确保节文件中只有空白行分隔屏幕定义。Make sure that only blank lines in the stanza file separate the screen definitions.