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是拉蒙和他儿子阿里克斯。This is Ramón and his son, Alex.

噢,是吗,拉蒙对我提起过。Oh, yeah, Ramon mentioned it to me.

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雷蒙回到家,看上去十分疲惫。Ramon returned home and looked very tired.

拉蒙和我正在交换圣诞礼物。Ramón and I were just exchanging presents.

拉蒙自认为他是非常棒的足球球员。Ramon thinks he's a real hot shot at soccer.

该数据是相似的那些拉蒙等人。The data are similar to those of Ramon et al.

2001年,他获得了雷蒙•麦袼赛赛奖。In 2001, he was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay award.

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我想让雷蒙和恺撒把你的舌头钉到下巴上!I think I have Ramon and Cesar staple your tongue to your chin !

拉蒙经营这里的生意,为我父母。他是个孝顺的儿子。Ramon runs the business here, for my parents. He's the dutiful son.

噢,是吗,拉蒙对我提起过。我肯定你一定会玩得开心。Oh, yeah, Ramón mentioned it to me. I'm sure you'll have a great time.

我不能和拉蒙或奥博托纠缠。我得集中精力在学校上。I can't be involved with either Ramón or Alberto. I've got to focus on school.

皇马主席卡尔德隆坚持说没计划要卖萨维奥拉。Real Madrid president Ramon Calderon insists there's no plans to sell Javier Saviola.

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智能手机分析员罗文.拉玛斯举例说,这款手机有潜在的影响力。IDC's mobile analyst Ramon Llamas said, for example, that the phone is a "potential hit.

今日美术馆、银泰中心和上海滩等的支持。This project is supported by Institut Ramon Llull, Today Art Museum, Yintai Center and Shanghai Tang.

游戏开始,劳拉犯了个错误,雷蒙威胁的走向她,可怜的劳拉无助的叫喊者……。The game begins. Laura makes a mistake. Ramon menacingly moves towards her. Laura's screams are useless.

巴赛隆纳的膝伤专家在对托利斯进行了治疗之后表示这位利物浦前锋的膝伤并不严重。Dr Ramon Cugat confirmed our earlier report today that says Torres doesn't have a serious injury as feared.

我和皇马主席卡尔德隆先生以及体育主管米哈伊诺维奇进行了交谈,他们都是引人注目的大人物。I spoke to Real's president Ramon Calderon and sport director Pedrag Mijatovic and they are spectacular people.

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民主活动人士桑切斯表示,卡斯特罗的声明对古巴境内致力于民主变革的人士是好消息。Democracy activist Ramon Saul Sanchez said the announcement is good news for advocates of democratic change in Cuba.

皇马的新主席科尔的龙曾许诺如果当选主席,将买进这个荷兰巨星。Real's new president Ramon Calderon promised to sign the Holland international during his successful election campaign.

索来尔同时透露皇家马德里卡尔多隆表达了对瓦伦西亚中场大卫席尔瓦感兴趣。Soler also revealed that Real Madrid president Ramon Calderon had expressed interest in Valencia midfielder David Silva.