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昨天一直在宿舍做苦力。Yesterday has been doing coolie quarters.

你就像一个苦力一样到处被人利用。You are being used by everyone as paid coolie.

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其实,苦力买卖与黑奴买卖一样恶劣。In fact, coolie trade was as bad as slave trade.

有一个苦力从货架上抓了几盒青霉素。A coolie grabbed a handful of penicillin from a shelf.

他也是“右派”,他当大工,我当小工。He was also a right wing, he was a master, I was coolie.

好吧,你明天再来吧。我们眼下不需要小工。All right, come back tomorrow. We don't need a coolie right now.

我不会让我的军官去象一个小工一样干苦力。I will not have an officer from my battalion working as a coolie.

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我不会让我的军官去象一个小工一样干苦力。I will not have an officer from my battalion working as a coolie.

一个苦力抢走了卡捷林的手提包逃进了街弄里。One coolie grabbed Kjeryn's handbag from her shoulder and fled down the street.

为什么说网站优化是一种有承诺的苦力行为?Why to say the website is optimized a kind of coolie action that there is commitment?

为什么我们对负重的苦力,对怀抱婴儿的女人如此冷漠?Why are we indifferent to the coolie who is carrying a heavy load, to the woman who is carrying a baby?

苏州欧盛护栏有限公司本公司拥有一批优秀的建筑队伍,有油漆师傅30多名,小工50多名,木工师傅多名。The company has a group of outstanding architecture team, paint master more than 30, more than 50, carpentry coolie much.

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四川新日钢制品有限公司本公司拥有一批优秀的建筑队伍,有油漆师傅30多名,小工50多名,木工师傅多名。The company has a group of outstanding architecture team, paint master more than 30, more than 50, carpentry coolie much.

他摔断的腿用临时找来的木片固定住了——“一个小工扶住我的腿,另一个牵着马的笼头走。”His fractured leg was bound in an extemporized splint -"one coolie supporting my leg while another led my horse by the bridle."

劳工们忍无可忍,于1903年爆发了震撼世界的“苦力暴动”事件。It was beyond what the laborers could bear. Finally in 1903, the Coolie Revolt broke out. It was an event that shook the world.

大家给平民党投票,帮助你们孩子摆脱主导印度文化的自我厌恶的苦力心态。Vote AAP to start the revolution and help your children get out of the self loathing coolie mentality that dominates Indian Culture.

寻找前妻的过程中波折不断,韩三明决定留下来做苦力一直等到前妻出现。The twists and turns in the course that seeks ex-wife is ceaseless, han Sanming decides to stay do coolie all the time when ex-wife appears.

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中国的每个劳苦百姓,或多或少保持着自我尊重和人格尊严,而这在西方只有极少数金融寡头才有。Self-respect and personal dignity are possible for every coolie in China, to a degree which is, among ourselves, possible only for a few leading financiers.

一流企业卖品牌,二流企业卖技术,三流的企业卖产品,四流企业卖苦力。The first-class enterprise sells brand, second-class enterprise sells techniques, third-class enterprise sells products, enterprise sells fourth-rate coolie.

工程是由明天集团和润科集团联合建造的,刘梦洁来到工地视察,她发现顾阡陌竟然在工地上做小工。Project is jointly built by tomorrow group and embellish group, Liu Mengjie came to the site visit, she found that despite the buildings on site to do coolie.