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不锈钢丝。Wire of stainless steel.

不锈钢网篮。STAINLESS steel mesh Basket.

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不锈钢爱迪生镊等。Stainless steel Edison forceps etc.

精钢,G字形水晶表带。Stainless steel crystal G bracelet.

纯手工不锈钢腰带,九成新。Hand stainless steel belt, almost new.

令人惊叹的镍不锈钢台面。Stunning Stainless Nickel Countertops.

铜制品并镶有凸面不锈钢片。The brass body & stainless steel wafer.

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不锈钢折叠式表扣闭合。Stainless steel fold-over clasp closure.

温润303不锈钢活塞杆。Burnished 303 stainless steel piston rod.

卫生级不�钢桶专业制造。Sanitary stainless steel tank production.

皮质的松软与不锈钢边干练的点缀。Soft leather and capable stainless steel.

这台过滤器是用不锈钢制成。This strainer is made of stainless steel.

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生产的高硬度不锈钢弹性夹件。High hardness stainless steel spring clip.

有一个不锈钢锋利的孔。Have a stainless steel sharp-edged orifice.

不锈钢盘管有哪些种类?What are the types of stainless steel coil?

而且…中国的不锈钢会生锈!!And . . . . Chinese stainless steel rusts! !

带有血丝恴风。Blood- streaked phlegm with stainless winds.

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莪只是个平常恴女子。Just a stainless zedoary extraordinary woman.

铁公鸡还有生锈的时候,你TMD简直是个不锈钢的。Miser and rust, you TMD is a stainless steel.

同时,应使用攀岩专用的有色不袗。Rock coloured stainless steel should be used.