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企业停工、停业期间工资如何支付?How to pay wages during shutdown and shutout of an enterprise?

这使他成为职棒史上获得完封战绩的最年长选手。It made him the oldest pitcher in baseball history to throw a shutout.

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上星期五,王建民主投八局无失分打败运动家队。Last Friday, Wang responded with eight shutout innings against the A's.

哪个队在这次世界杯赛上会打出最多不失球的比赛?。Which national team will have the most shutout games during the tournament?

井川庆完封了四局,没让对方敲出一支安打在四局里,得到八个三振及一个四坏。He did not allow a hit in four shutout innings, notching eight strikeouts and walking one.

井川庆以精采的表现回应,在六局多投球中无失分,拿下面对红袜3比1的胜利。Igawa responded splendidly, producing six-plus shutout innings, earning the decision in a 3-1 victory over the Red Sox.

英格兰中卫也对范德萨创造新的联赛不失球记录有很大贡献。The England centre-half also played a hefty part as Edwin van der Sar enjoyed a virtually trouble-free passage to a new league shutout record.

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水手潜力新秀河兰籽,四局内被洋基索讨五分,小民带著锐利的完封,帅气迈向第七局。Promising Seattle right-hander Felix Hernandez was knocked out during the Yanks' five-run fourth inning, and Wang took a shutout into the seventh.

小民九局完美的表现。只让他们击出两支鸟安。并且只被他们攻佔一次的得分圈。Wang took a perfect game into the fifth inning and allowed just two hits in a shutout performance. The Devil Rays got only one runner past first base.

王建民在这场洋基与魔鬼鱼三连战的首战中,投出了精采的完封胜,率领洋基以6比0击败魔鬼鱼,这不但是他生涯新高的12胜,更是他职业生涯的首场完封胜。This time Wang finished it, sitting down the Devil Rays in order to cap a 6-0 complete-game victory. It's win No. 12 for Wang and his first career shutout.

在巴西对智利的那场八分之一决赛当中,踢中后卫的卢西奥也积极参与了本队的反击。在这场零封对手的比赛当中,卢西奥绝对是后防线上的中坚人物。Lucio also helped lead the counterattack from his center-back position against Chile in the round of 16 and was one of the key defensive figures in the shutout.

前进端永里帮助日本避免停业,拍岸左足攻入背面的网从近距离对外援的目标79分钟。Forward yuki nagasato helped japan avoid the shutout pounding a left-footed drive into the back of the net from close range for an unassisted goal in the79th minute.

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进入到2010年的世界杯比赛,再次面对阿迪的“官方唯一制定赞助商”身份,耐克再一次选择了运用数码手段进行反击,只不过这一次,耐克的营销人员采取了非常另类的做法。Once again Nike faces the Adidas official-sponsor shutout approach, and once again Nike opts for a digital offense. Only this time, its marketers take a very different approach.