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熟练的钻工了。He is a skillful driller now.

他是一个可以信赖的司钻。He is a driller whom you can believe in.

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油田的主角是钻井工。他们是熟练技术工人。The king of the oilfield is the driller.

操作刹把的人叫司钻。The man who operates a brake is a driller.

然后,司钻恢复正常作业。The driller then resumes normal operations.

操作刹把的那个人是我们的司钻。The man operating brake bar is our driller.

钻孔者在烤架上填满光线的胶片。The driller filled the grill with superb film.

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司钻恢复正常钻井作业。The driller resumes normal drilling operations.

我们勤奋的司钻是一个你可依赖的人。Our hard-working driller is someone you can believe in.

他是一个我愿意接受其意见的司钻。He is a driller whose opinions I like to air conditioningcept.

操作刹把的那个人是我们的司钻。The ma new good operating brsimilarg system bar is our driller.

司钻摘掉辊筒离合器,刹住绞车。The driller disengages the drum clutch and secures the drawworks.

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油田的主角是技术熟练的钻井工。The king of the oilfield is the driller. He is a very skilled man.

开铁口机是完成打开高炉铁口操作的关键设备。Taphole driller is a key equipment to open the taphole blast furnace.

司钻要把滑大绳或倒大绳的作业情况记录在班报表上。The driller is to record the slip and cut operation in the tour book.

司钻同样操作绞车的刹车使用一个长的手柄。The driller also operates the drawworks brake using a long-handled lever.

司钻要确保大钳销钉上的安全锁定弹簧被放到原位。The Driller ensures that the safety latch springs are replaced on the tong pins.

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钻工们卸掉安全扣合弹簧和大钳销子,换上与要上扣的钻具或管具相匹配的钳头。The driller ensures that the safety latch springs are replaced on the tong pins.

“早上好,陈明?”他向扶刹把的司钻问候道。"Good morning, Mr. Chen?" he greeted the driller who was holding the brake handle.

不管钻机是否盈利,地主们只沉迷于收取土地使用费。And landowners keep wallowing in royalties whether the driller makes a profit or not.