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你要不要爬上去,把它摘下来给爸爸看?Will you clamber up, and pluck it to show to papa?

孩子们沿着杆子爬到深30到50米的矿井里。Teenage boys clamber down mine shafts 30 to 50 meters deep.

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临床医生的成长是一个过程,从踏入医门起,医生们就在金字塔上进行攀登。Doctors all will go to clamber up in pyramid from enter to cure porch.

当你下到站台上时步履笨拙像一头牛犊。As you clamber down on to the platform, you stumble as clumsily as a calf.

在空中的哈利突然间能够攀回他的扫帚了。It was enough. Up in the air, Harry was suddenly able to clamber back on to his broom.

就第一种情况来说,继续爬到山上,甚至进一步爬到树上是可能的。In the first case it is possible to clamber further up the hill or even inch further up the tree.

在废墟填充的环境中,机器人将转换成一个四条腿的动物,可以爬上和检索。In a rubble-filled environment, the robot will convert itself into a four-legged creature which can clamber and crawl.

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驴子会戴上冠冕,然后登上最高的位置,用骇人听闻的驴叫声恐吓人们。The Ass will put on a crown and then clamber above all that is most lofty and terrify the people with its hideous braying.

我们真的需要绘制每片荒地峡谷的地图吗?我们真的非要加个名字给每座干涸的湖或露出地表的岩层吗?Must we really clamber up every alluvial fan , map every desert canyon, and slap a name on every dry lake and rocky outcropping?

这个巨大、长有獠牙的哺乳动物是典型的需要爬上海冰休息的动物,或者几个礼拜拖着他们沉重的身体到岸上休息一次。The giant, tusked mammals typically clamber onto the sea ice to rest, or haul themselves onto land for just a few weeks at a time.

尽管有着一个不走运的开始,但是他们新近取得了五连胜,并且艰难地爬升到了第三的位置----仍然落后同城的罗马队11分。Despite a tough start, they have notched together five straight wins to clamber into third place- still11 points short of rivals Roma.

孩子们攀登上原本空荡荡的金字塔,家长在下方的大石块建材上歇息,享受春日阳光。Children clamber up otherwise deserted pyramids. Their parents relax on the large stone building blocks below, enjoying the spring sunshine.

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当世界许多地区正在同严重的经济衰退作斗争时,经济实力由西方向东方的转移已从涓涓细流变成了滚滚洪流。As much of the world struggles to clamber out of a serious recession, a gradual flow of economic power from West to East has turned into a flood.

白银延续过去几个月的领涨地位,因交易商急于参与今年表现最好的品种之一.Silver led the rally as it has for the past few months, with traders rushing to clamber on board one of the best-performing commodities this year.

沿着泥泞的山路,雨后依稀可见小小的尼姑鞋子的印记。我跨过一条湍急的溪流,从对岸攀援而上。Following a muddy track, in which a few diminutive nun-sized shoe-prints have survived the rain, I cross a foaming torrent, then clamber up the other side.

那么到底为什么一家已是四面楚歌的汽车制造商会将其日渐减少的资源贡献给为宇宙飞船附近的宇航员所配备的机器人,或者是在其他星球上探索的运动装置呢?So why, exactly, would an embattled automaker devote its dwindling resources to a robot designed to clamber around spacecraft or motor across other planets?

榜尾球队西汉姆希望爬出降级区,他们知道取胜将超越他们本场的对手,正需要第250场英超胜利的纽卡斯尔。Bottom club West Ham are aiming to clamber out of the bottom three and know that victory would see them leapfrog opponents Newcastle who need one win for 250 in the Premier League.

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然后她们跟他一起爬上楼梯,在沙发上围着他,跟他顽皮嬉闹,或者簇拥在他的膝盖上,他似乎在给她们讲故事,这时她们看上去真像由一张张小脸组成的花束啊!Then they would climb and clamber upstairs with him, and romp about him on the sofa, or group themselves at his knee, a very nosegay of little faces, while he seemed to tell them some story.