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但在我看来,学生们很排斥这样的课程。My view is students marginalize classes like that.

不要忽视可利用的网络工具。Don't marginalize the online tools that are available.

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你会心存疑虑,因为你担心别人会排斥它,嘲笑它。You could be tempted to, if you thought that others might marginalize it or ridicule it.

总统先生策论高明地公开了他的出生证明,并且对那些想让这件事继续扩大的那些人漠然处之。Mr. Obama was tactically smart to release the certificate and marginalize those who continue to keep the matter alive.

即便服务商不会以网站内容为由施行歧视政策,接入费用还是会将那些小规模的、比较穷的站点自动边缘化。Even ifthey did not discriminate on the basis of content, access fees wouldautomatically marginalize smaller, poorer Web sites.

有一些领导甚至允许他们的团队排斥或者边缘化这种高手以使其他人不会感觉很糟糕。" I've even seen managers allow their teams to ostracize or marginalize the top performer so that other people won't "feel bad.

陈表示,这样突然的转变让家长很恐慌,担心这样的考试会不公平地排斥学习表现不佳的学生。Chen said the sudden reversal scares families which fear the tests could unfairly marginalize young students who perform poorly.

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现在我们可以很清楚看到,任何一方都无法忽视对方在伊拉克、黎巴嫩或是巴勒斯坦的作用。"It is now clear that neither side can marginalize the role of the other in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, or Palestine, " notes Barzegar.

女士布托和谢里夫先生-他们都有一个深为反感穆沙拉夫-也可以边缘化,他或推翻保障他介绍了。Ms. Bhutto and Mr. Sharif – who share a deep antipathy for Musharraf –could also marginalize him or overturn the safeguards he introduced.

是你自己让别人影响你的成长,使你的潜力无法发挥。That is what happens when you poison your growth through letting others diminish, marginalize and demoralize you from reaching your potential.

这意味着分析和设计所做的选择,对一个特定的项目可能是最好的,该项目会边缘化它们在企业内的再用性。The implication is that analysis and design choices that may be optimal for a specific project would marginalize their reusability across the enterprise.

我们不希望看到,关于安理会改革的讨论和争议冲淡甚至损害对其它问题、特别是发展问题的磋商。We do not wish to see debate and controversy surrounding Council reform marginalize or even jeopardize consultations on other issues, particularly those concerning development.

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与基督联合的教义不应该用来模糊此称义行动中之信心的本质,或是用来把信心边缘化,只把信心当作称义行动唯一的领受方法。The doctrine of union with Christ should not be used to obscure the nature of faith in the act of justification or to marginalize faith as the sole receptive instrument in the act of justification.

休斯说,美国公共外交战略的第二个方面是要努力揭露极端分子"盗用宗教为其暴力目的服务"的伎俩,使他们陷于孤立和边缘化。The second facet of U.S. public diplomacy, said Hughes, is an effort to isolate and marginalize the extremists by exposing their efforts "to appropriate religion in the name of their violent agenda."

最近,中国的少数民族的教育政策为人所关注,新条例中在课堂上摒弃使用藏语的规定受到了藏族学生的抗议。China's educational policies for its ethnic minorities have made headlines lately, with protests by Tibetan students over new rules that would marginalize the use of Tibetan language in the classroom.