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通过招聘人员的那一关。Getting past the recruiter.

让招聘员工了解你已经做过调查研究。Show the recruiter that you've done your research.

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一个招聘人可以为你提供内行人的观点与建议。A recruiter can give you insider pointers and advice.

每个招聘人员都是不同的,这点是个挑战。Every recruiter is different, which makes this a challenge.

一个热情的招聘者为了推销其公司,会做很多事情。An enthusiastic recruiter can do a lot to sell an organization.

然后列出招聘员工的头衔、公司名字和地址。Then, list the recruiter"s title and the company name and address."

她径直走向了宾夕法尼亚大学医院展位的招聘人员贝弗利·埃蒙德。She walked directly up to Beverly Emonds, a recruiter at the UPenn table.

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不要忘记向你见过的每一位招聘者询问联系信息。Don't forget to ask for contact information from every recruiter you meet.

告知招聘员工你要申请哪个职位以及为什么你对职位感兴趣。Tell the recruiter which position you're applying forwhy it interests you.

将招聘人员当作一位你尊敬的同事,并以尊敬的态度对待他们。Think of the recruiter as a respected coworker and treat them accordingly.

盖茨在他的回忆录中声称,他在一次玩耍中偶然遇到中央情报局的招聘人员。In his memoir, Gates claimed he met with the CIA recruiter there on a lark.

招聘人员称,这位IT员工最近被一家外资银行雇佣了。The IT professional recently was hired by a foreign bank, the recruiter says.

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得到工作面试的第一步是什么?通过招聘人员的那一关。What's the first step to getting a job interview? Getting past the recruiter.

向一位招聘人员提出的出色问题可能不适合提给一位执行官。An excellent question for a recruiter might be inappropriate for an executive.

告知招聘员工你要申请哪个职位以及为什么你对这个职位感兴趣。Tell the recruiter which position you're applying for and why it interests you.

事实上,我跟一个知道这个职位的招聘人员谈,I actually had a, I talked to a recruiter who knew of the position that was open

让招聘人员了解你过去曾经如何适应不断改变的环境。Let your recruiter know how you have adapted to changing environments in the past.

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在投简历之后给招聘人员打个电话或发封邮件咨询下。Follow up with a call or email to the recruiter responsible for filling the position.

这款新服务非常值得一试,尤其如果你是一位中介招聘者。This new service is certainly worth a look, especially if you are an agency recruiter.

他用简单的英语讲述了自己如何把自己的同学引荐入塔利班。In basic English he described how he worked as a recruiter for the Taliban among fellow students.