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不过大狗太爱流口水了。Butt big dogs slobber way too much.

但是它们所产生的吸引力却是免费的。But the slobber and attention is free!

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喷出来的口水比SARS还致命。Spouting slobber than SARS also deadly.

睡觉睡着睡着,就睡出了理想和口水。Sleep sleep sleep, sleep out ideal and slobber.

看着真是“口水直流三千尺”呀!Watching really "slobber DC three thousand feet"!

你们可能激情相吻,然后彼此口水一身。You may kiss passionately and slobber all over each other.

闻着香喷喷的比萨味,我口水都要流出来了!The smell of delicious pizza flavor, I slobber to flow out!

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她要开始流口水了,可是我没带手帕。She is beginning to slobber and I can't get my handkerchief.

吃桃子削不削皮再掀南北网友口水战。Eat a peach cut not peeled another north-south netizens slobber war.

你要努力记住,把口水弄得满脸都是可不一定是对方想要的。Try to remember that sometimes slobber all over the face is not exactly what your partner wants.

有红的通黑,还有刚刚泛红的,这鲜艳的颜色,让人不住的直吞口水。There are red on black, and just red, the bright colors, people do not live straight swallowed slobber.

吃桃子削不削皮再掀南北网友口水战盘点南北对立饮食习惯。Eat a peach cut not peeled another north-south netizens slobber war inventory of the North-South confrontation diet.

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我的晚餐不算丰盛,但算得美味。有我最喜欢的猪肉和青菜。这些菜都是我妈妈做的,她做菜非常好吃,令我口水直流。My dinner not sumptuous, but is delicious. I like pork and vegetables. These dishes are made by my mother, she cook very delicious, my slobber.

朱晓则是一肚子口水声称自己多年以来过得非常不容易,如今房子再被何其抢走的话,以后全家人得睡大街了。Since Zhu Xiaoze is a stomach slobber claimed many years had not very easy, now the house is so away, after the family had to sleep on the streets.

也许她要的不多,就是你可以吃的好,但是你可能不知道,一项节约她,在市场她会因为几毛钱而和小贩浪费很多的时间和口水。Maybe she don't want a lot, you can eat well, but you may not know, a saving her, she will be in the market for a few cents and hawker waste a lot of time and slobber.

Honts先生发现那些有条狗在那儿流着口水,和人嬉戏的小组的成员对自己的组员在信任度,团队凝聚力和亲密度上的评分都要高于没有狗的小组。Mr Honts found that those who had had a dog to slobber and pounce on them ranked their team-mates more highly on measures of trust, team cohesion and intimacy than those who had not.

新时期的诗歌创作曾一度将诗语的典雅奇异推向一种极致,随后开始了面向生活语言的俗化的回归,一直发展到当下的“口水诗”,走到了另一个极端。The composition of poetry once pushed the elegance and fantasticality to the acme in a new period, and then started to go back to forward folk language and live language till "slobber poem".

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林的父母很淳朴,看林带了女朋友回家,把家里唯一的大公鸡杀了招待优优,而林的傻哥哥一边流着口水一边嚷着要吃肉肉,优优真的很难过。Lin's parents is very simple, see forest girlfriend home, the home of the only big cock kill reception good, while forest brother part flow slobber shouted to eat meat, good is really very sad.