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伤口未溃烂。The wound did not fester.

伤口开始化脓。The wound began to fester.

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这样小问题就不会扩展为大问题了。This way, small problems do not fester into big ones.

作为美国总统,我不允许这个问题继续恶化。As President, I refuse to allow this problem to fester.

因我的愚昧,我的伤发臭流脓。My wounds fester and are loathsome because of my sinful folly.

伤口不及时消炎是很容易溃脓的。Wounds will fester if the inflammation is not reduced in time.

那东西在那些空旷了千百年的地方会化脓烂掉。It can fester in those wide open spaces for thousands of years.

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我首先要消除一些谣言,免得误人子弟。Now let me dispel a few rumors so they don't fester into facts.

它的脚开始化脓,一迈步便一阵剧痛。His foot began to fester and he was in great pain when he tried to walk.

这样的做法就削弱了有效的资本配置,使得伤口溃烂。That undermines efficient capital allocation and allows excesses to fester.

要是你任由消极的思想蔓延,你就会陷入严重的沮丧情绪。If you allow them to, negative thoughts can fester and lead to serious depression.

没有这个全球债务负担的解决,系统性风险将恶化和生长。Without a resolution of this global debt burden, systemic risk will fester and grow.

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同时还具有焦烧时间长、硫化速度快及耐热老化性能良好等特点。SBR 1500 coagulated with PA had longer scorch time , fester cure rate and good heat resistance.

身体上的容易治疗,困难的是,隐埋在内心深处的伤痛。Those of body are easier to treat. much more difficult are the headden melady that fester in our hearts.

危机只是更深刻的问题的表面症候,这些问题如果任其发展,就会变得越来越。Crises were symptoms of deeper problems which if allowed to fester would prove increasingly unmanageable.

身体上的容易治疗,困难的是隐埋在内心深处的伤痛。Those of the body are easy to treat. Much more difficult are the hidden maladies that fester in our hearts.

允许波罗的海人加入的最大好处是解决了他们可能溃烂的安全问题。The biggest lesson of bringing the Balts in is that it resolves security problems that might otherwise fester.

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我得了急性化脓性扁桃腺炎,症状很严重,但为什么不发烧,也没有感冒?I got acute fester sex quinsy , the symptom is very serious, but why to have a fever, also did not catch a cold?

有时候,我们在溃烂和腐朽时会掩藏自己的感觉,然后这些伤口又开始传染给灵魂的其他部分。Sometimes we bury our feelings where they fester and decay, and then begin to infect other parts of the psyche as well.

然而,由于经济依然充满不确定性,员工觉得前途渺茫,于是他们留了下来,但却滋生了负面情绪。Yet, because the economy is still uncertain, employees feel trapped, so they stay, and their negative attitudes fester.