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这些蛋没一个坏的。Not one of these eggs ever addled.

威士忌搞得我头晕脑胀的。My brain is a bit addled by whiskey.

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老师说,他笨头笨脑。The teacher said that his brain was addled.

经过暂短一会儿的停顿之后,婴儿加倍大声地哭了起来。After a moment's addled pause, the crying redoubled.

你吃药后直率的样子还真是魅力无限啊。The charm of your drug addled candor knows no bounds.

他显然是被那些二氧化碳搞糊涂了。All that carbon dioxide has clearly addled his thinking.

你慢悠悠地走楼梯会让许多已经对公共交通感到郁闷的乘客抓狂的。Your slow climb is pissing off scads of already addled public transportation users.

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你认为我能够用一段类似吸毒成瘾的动听往事来支付我的卷轴抄录XP吗?Do you think I could pay for my scroll scribing XP costs with a well-told tale of a drug- addled past of some sort?

唔唔。你认为我能够用一段类似吸毒成瘾的动听往事来支付我的卷轴抄录XP吗?Hmmm. Do you think I could pay for my scroll scribing XP costs with a well-told tale of a drug- addled past of some sort?

你必须强迫你的睡眠混乱的大脑进入觉醒,移动你的僵硬的腿和检索密钥之前报警熄灭。You have to force your sleep addled brain into wakefulness, move your stiff legs and retrieve the key before the alarm goes off.

一个分区可以装上让木马、病毒肆虐的Windows系统,另一个可以装上过时的打满安全补丁的Linux系统。One could have Windows installed, riddled with viruses and trojans. The other could be running a very obsolete, security-hole addled Linux installation.

根据这项研究,鳄鱼的招牌动作龇牙咧嘴笑不应该被解释为对酒后乱性的醉汉无礼厚颜之举轻松宽容的反应。According to the study, an alligator's characteristic grin should not be interpreted as a lighthearted reaction to the outrageous nerve of an alcohol- addled human.

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如果我们能够这么想就好了,他是一个具有罕见天赋的球员,只是因为当我们想到他的时候,很经常想到的是他给我们带来的失望和困惑,而总是忽视了这一点。These, if we think about it, are rare qualities that we sometimes lose sight of because, when we think of him, a little too often we're addled with general frustration and perplexity.

在赢得总统提名时,加菲尔德曾经引起与共和党格兰特派的分裂,事态的发展激怒了芝加哥一位头脑糊涂的落魄律师,他名叫查尔斯·吉特奥。In winning the presidential nomination he had caused a split with the Grant Wing of the Republican Party, a development which preyed on the addled mind of shabby Chicago lawyer named Charles Guiteau.