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强烈的噪音会导致老年性耳聋和耳鸣.Loud noise contributes to presbycusis and tinnitus.

也许神经性耳聋最常见的原因是青年性耳聋。Perhaps the most common cause of nerve deafness is presbycusis.

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老年性耳聋可以引起完全丧失辨别声音的能力。Presbycusis may cause a severe lose of the ability to discriminate sound.

结论耳蜗核GABA含量的降低可能与老年性耳聋的发病具有一定的相关性。Conclusion The reduction of GABA positive neurons in the aged rat cochlear nucleus may be related to presbycusis.

结论IOI-HA问卷是评价老年性聋患者配戴助听器效果的简便有效的工具。Conclusion IOI-HA is a simple and effective tool for the assessment of hearing aid outcomes for presbycusis patients.

结论听性脑干核团GAD65和GAD67含量的降低可能与老年性聋的发病有关。Conclusion The reduction of GAD65 and GAD67 positive production in the aged rat auditory brainstem nuclei may be related to presbycusis.

目的探讨扩展高频测听与年龄的关系及其对老年性听力损失早期诊断的意义。Objective To assess the meaning of extended high frequency audiometry in early diagnosis of presbycusis and the relation of it to the age.

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结论移植的老年大鼠耳蜗核钾离子通道功能的下降可能与老年性聋的发病有关。Conclusions The result indicates that the decrease of potassium channel function in aged rat cochlear nucleus may be related to presbycusis.

结论老年人螺旋神经节细胞减少,细胞质内脂褐素沉积,可能是导致老年性耳聋的主要原因之一。Conclusions These results suggest that the decrease of spiral ganglion cells and the deposition of lipofuscin in the aged may be the main cause of presbycusis.

应通过健康教育、增加随访等方式使其更早、更多地使用助听器,从而改善助听器配戴的效果。It is necessary to encourage presbycusis patients to wear hearing aid earlier and more frequently by health education and follow-up visits in order to improve the hearing aid outcomes.