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或者你只是歧视吗?Or would you just discriminate?

我能辨别是非。I can discriminate right from wrong.

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她不能辨别是非。She can't discriminate right from wrong.

我们必须仔细分辨同义词。We must carefully discriminate among synonyms.

你必须学会区别事物。You must learn to discriminate between things.

你们不应歧视少数民族。You should not discriminate against minorities.

这两项技术运用于鉴别纤维制品。These techniques are used to discriminate fibres.

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这孩子能把一事物与另一事物区别开来。The child can discriminate one thing from another.

教师不应对学生厚此薄彼。A teacher should not discriminate between students.

他能鉴别几种同等好酒。He can discriminate among several equally fine wines.

交通法规的条文会倾向于支持那些骑车的行人。Traffic laws discriminate in favour of people on bikes.

乐师能辨别声调的各种细微变化。The musician can discriminate minute variations in tone.

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一些孩子不能辨别好书和坏书。Some children can't discriminate good books from bad ones.

他怎么能把真画和假画分辨出来呢?。How can he discriminate the real painting from the false one?

当我们牙疼的时候,大脑并不能分辨出是哪颗牙在疼。When it comes to a toothache, the brain doesn’t discriminate.

你能区分出真钱和假钱吗?Can you discriminate between real money and counterfeit money?

此条法律没有种族、宗教、肤色歧视。The law does not discriminate against any race, creed or color.

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神对人犯的任何罪不区分孰重孰轻。God does not discriminate between any sins that a person commits.

你对待同一公司的雇员不可厚此薄彼。You must not discriminate between people employed in the same firm.

甄别再三,他把任务交给了乔三和崔春生。Discriminate repeatedly, he gave Qiaosan and Cui Chunsheng the task.