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正直的人不使阴招。A straight man does nothing underhand.

它不公开,因为它是在地下进行的。It is obscure because it is underhand.

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发球有上手发球和下手发球两种。Ball may be served underhand or overhand.

你可以去上手或反握。You can go for overhand or underhand grip.

他用极为狡诈的手段弄到了这笔钱。He got the money in a very underhand manner.

也许我能理解,你为何如此躲躲藏藏。Maybe I can understand WHY you acted underhand.

你不能用幕后的商业手段。You cannot afford to use underhand business methods.

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但垒球的投手必须使用下手投法。But in softball, the pitcher must throw the ball underhand.

后面两场可能有些紧吧,上场后有些放不开手脚。Behind the two may be okay, after playing some do not put underhand method.

野田佳彦精通柔道,爱好摔跤,笑称自己不善于暗中耍手段。A judo practitioner and fan of pro-wrestling, Noda has joked that he is no good at underhand tricks.

他同时谴责奥巴马阵营为赢得竞选下黑手,说那些人污蔑他的妻子希拉里是“从旁遮普来的参议员”。And he denounced underhand tactics, particularly a description of Hillary Clinton as “the senator from Punjab”.

另外,部门之间私相授受地调拨公共资源,未知是否政府的政策?Is it a government policy to allow its departments to transfer resources to one another in an underhand manner?

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让我们也在起床前大口呼吸、伸直手脚,这可是超级有用的醒脑操呢。Allow underhand method of we are big before get up also breath, unbend, but this is super wake usefully the head is held.

面对来意不明的对手的时候你总是趋于防守止步不前。You face underhand manoeuvres often, enough you sense when somebody isn't being entirely forthright about their intentions.

但我们可以很确定的说,韩国小牛排的均衡口感与风味如此之佳,投票舞弊完全是多此一举嘛!But we're pretty sure the balance of sweet and savory in Korean short ribs means there's no underhand vote-rigging required.

各国政府必须确定这一标准不仅是在自己的国界之内报关数据业务的一种非公开手段。Governments need to be sure that standards are not just an underhand way of keeping the data business within their own borders.

所以,当阴险的手段使周边的威胁更复杂化时,你更要拿出权威面对相关的人与事。Thus, when underhand manoeuvres threaten complications, you confront the issues or individuals involved swiftly and with authority.

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你们也许会说我们捆绑了我们的双手,我们只是遵守游戏的规则,并且没有任何事情可以阻扰和干扰我们的行动。Our hands are only tied inasmuch as you might say, that we play by the rules and there is nothing underhand or illegal in our actions.

再普通的招数由高手使出也会倍添神奇,再精巧的招数低手使出来也会破绽百出。Another common way by his master will times add magic and ingenious tricks underhand make out will be loopholes appear one after another.

将薄“板”力学模型应用于焦家金矿下向进路人工假顶稳定性分析,表明其稳定性差。The thin plate model, used in Jiaojia Gold Mine, shows the artificial roof of underhand drift cut-and-backfilling stopping is not stable.