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抽烟太多对健康不利。Too much smoking is prejudicial to health.

在家庭里,父母也会对漂亮的孩子偏心眼。In the family, the parents will be also prejudicial to the attractive child.

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指挥系统里面的结有深交,存有偏见的对好次序和纪律。Fraternization within the chain of command, prejudicial to good order and discipline.

不当的化学防治,有可能损及鸟类的活动,需要特别注意。Improper chemical control, may be prejudicial to the activities of birds and need special attention.

关于这一点,我们仍然观察到,有无数的具有偏见的禁止,发生在精神分析经验。All the same, in this connection, one observes the amount of prejudicial prohibition there is in analysis.

你对宫殿被毁灭的反感合情合理,但这不包括你的种族歧视和偏见性仇恨。Your disgust at the destruction of the Palace is entirely justified, but not your racism or prejudicial hatred.

被认为入境后可能进行危害我国国家安全和利益的其他活动的。An alien considered likely to engage in other activities prejudicial to China's national security and interests.

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法庭宣布审判无效,说是因为朱莉的律师提出了存有偏见的证据。The judge declared a mistrial, saying that Christofferson-Titchbourne’s lawyers had presented prejudicial arguments.

同样地,中国美食家沉醉于他们引以为豪的食物,他们应该避免作出那些带有偏见的结论。Likewise, Chinese foodies intoxicated by the pride of their own food should avoid rushing to any prejudicial conclusions.

被认为入境后可能进行危害我国国家安全和利益的其他活动的。An alien consid aed likely Slut to engage in other Slut activities prejudicial to China's national security and interests.

每个项目的,应拍照,并没有一个规模在事件中使用的规模在一张照片是排除妨害。Each item should be photographed with and without a scale in the event the use of a scale in a photo is ruled prejudicial.

主啊,若我们煽起了偏见的余烬,也就是你舍命为要将之熄灭的,求你怜悯我们吧!Lord, if we incite the prejudicial fire ashes, which exactly want to extinguish by your shedding life, please have mercy on us!

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甚至到现在,许多占多数的白人对于非洲裔美国人的偏见与歧视依然仍未消除。Even today, the prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory actions directed by many of the white majority toward African-Americans are not yet ironed out.

偏心型裂孔疝病人仅表现为胸骨后不适感或饭后胃胀气、嗳气、打嗝等。Prejudicial model patient of the hernia that crack aperture is behaved only for breastbone hind the stomach after unwell feeling or meal bilges gas, belch, belch.

法官卡普兰说,几乎任何有关恐怖活动可能有一个模糊的关系,正在进行的审判,并表示它可能不会有任何不利影响。Judge Kaplan said almost anything related to terror could have a vague relationship to the ongoing trial, adding that it likely would not have any prejudicial effect.

有趣的是,这些不同也证实了我们对不同专业那些或多或少的偏见,比如精神错乱的心理学家、沉默寡言的自然科学家以及见利忘义的经济学家。On the more humorous side they do confirm our more or less prejudicial stereotypes of the disturbed psychologist, the withdrawn natural scientist, the cynical economist.

代理知道,在没有“阳光”的同意下,不应向任何第三方泄露可能不利于“阳光”的商业交易的信息。The Agent undertakes that he shall not, without the consent of SUNSHINE, disclose to any third Party information that could be prejudicial to SUNSHINE's commercial dealings.

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我宁愿看到契约解决方案,但所有的这些方案都避免了特别是对自由软件的有害影响,也许也会有其他解决方案来完成。I'd prefer the escrow solution, but any of these methods would avoid a prejudicial effect specifically against free software. There may be other solutions that would also do the job.

法院在作出上述决定时,应审查全部案卷或当事人所引用的那部分案卷的内容,而且应严格遵守那些防止偏见性错误的原则。In making the foregoing determinations , the court shall review the whole record or those parts of it cited by a party, and due account shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error.

该命令说,证监会认为,由于完成听证过程作出结论所需时间过长而可能会有损于公众利益,颁布暂时命令是处于公众利益的考虑。Commission holds the opinion that it is in the public interest to issue the order and that the time required to conclude a hearing could be prejudicial to the public interest, the order noted.