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我在这里见淑女连。I'm here to see Lady Lien.

连战希望推翻选举结果。Mr Lien wants to challenge the results.

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代理人对制造商的财产无留置权。The agent has no lien on the manufacturer's property.

活塞连战连捷,三场都胜出两位数。Pistons Lianjie Lien Chan, have three double-digit win.

留置人是指在其财产上产生留置的人。The lienor is the person over whose goods a lien exists.

准予对财产拥有留置权以保证义务之履行。A lien against the property is granted to secure an obligation

汽车修理部在她小汽车上拥有留置权,该权利将延续到…The garage has a lien on her car until she pay the repair bill.

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债权人可以上诉或者扣押持卡人的房子。The creditors could sue or place a lien on a cardholder’s house.

专家们建议,葡萄酒留置口中的时间约15—20秒钟。The experts suggest, wine lien mouth about 15-20 seconds of time.

牧师外出时间,兄姊若有紧急事项,请洽连俊尧弟兄。If anyone has any emergency issues, please contact with Brother Lien.

银行为弥补透支,一般对公司都具有土地留置权。The bank has the lien on the company's land as cover for the overdraft.

而船舶留置权的性质在不同国家之间也没有得到统一。But there is no agreement about the nature of possessory lien on vessel.

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随同连战访问的有他的妻子、商界领袖和前政界人士。Lien Chan is traveling with his wife, business leaders and former politicians.

潜在缺陷可能会通过收费历史及任何留置权抵押。Potential defects may run to through fee history and to any lien encumbrances.

质押的性质超过纯粹留置,但却比不上按揭.A pledge is something more than a mere lien and something less than a mortgage.

连战和宋楚瑜要求和陈水扁见面,但被拒。Mr Lien and Mr Soong asked for a meeting with Mr Chen, but have been turned down.

司法担保主要包括查封担保、扣押担保、判决担保。Judicial lien mainly contains attachment lien, garnishment lien and judgment lien.

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Lien补充说,穆迪在评级行动及发布警告上依然落后于标准普尔.Lien added that Moody's is still lagging behind S&P in rating actions and threats.

第三章探讨了物权性的海运货物留置权的成立条件。Chapter III discusses effective conditions of lien on marine goods with real right.

你向净光的高处举目观看,你在何处没有淫行呢。Lift up thine eyes unto the high places, and see where thou hast not been lien with.