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授予访问映像的权限。Grant access to the image.

这是一种冒险的拨款。This is an exploration grant.

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允文,你怎么会在这里?Grant a text, you how tin here?

她是格兰特夫妇的女儿。She was bron to Mr. and Mrs. Grant.

欢迎各界参观赐教!Welcome to visit grant instruction!

我求佛赐我耐性。I asked Buddha to grant me patience.

等等,你是说杜瓦基金?Are you talking about the Dewer Grant?

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哦,神圣的主啊,唯如你所愿乃我梦寐以求。Divine Master, grant that I might seek.

在历史上格兰特和李两人的名字总是被一起提及的。Grant and Lee are bracketed in history.

赐我们真如亲兄弟一般的恩典。Grant us the grace of true brotherhood.

他亲切得允许了我的请求。He had teh godness to grant my request.

愿上帝宽恕你的罪过。May God grant you pardon for your sins.

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我们的方针是不授于专卖权。Our policy is not to grant exclusivity.

哦,主啊,使我少为自己求。Oh, Master, grant that I may never seek.

你们必须允许我们明确地控制。You have to grant us control explicitly.

但是当你吃不格兰特Achatz的食物。But not when you eat Grant Achatz's food.

来自加拿大的格兰特.基彭是选举投诉委员会的主席。Canadian Grant Kippen is the ECC chairman

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我授与你的是有较好的质量。I grant that yours are of better quality.

你可以得到一笔修房补助金。You can get a grant to repair your house.

每朵都源自一朵饮露的大花。Each fr'a grant flower that drink the dew.