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布朗从政治墓地反攻的事迹可能成为史诗。Mr Brown's fightback from the political graveyard would be epic.

霍金的评论已经点燃了从宗教领袖反击。Hawking's comments have ignited a fightback from religious leaders.

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美国会选择跟一个真正有能力反击的国家战斗吗?Would then. S pick a fight with someone that can actually fightback?

微软是一个需要卷土重来的中年科技巨人。Microsoft is a middle-aged tech giant that needs to start its fightback.

及后盟军成功破解德军电报机密码,并发明雷达反击,才有所转机。Only the capture of an Enigma machine and the invention of radar could spur a fightback.

在消费者涌向其它超市购买更廉价的物品之后,作为回击计划的一部分,马莎百货作出了根本改变。The radical change is part of a fightback plan after shoppers traded down to other supermarkets.

戴维·卡梅伦承诺为防止上周发生在英国的骚乱重演,将展开“社会反击战”,重整社会秩序。David Cameron is promising a "social fightback" in response to the rioting and looting in England last week.

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即使他们已经有恐怖主义存在,这么庞大的人口只会给他们的独立扯后退罢了。Even if its territory is occupied, the large population has inherent capacity to fightback for independence.

在欧冠出局后,他们又开始说要夺回联赛冠军,说要击败国米重回争冠行列。After their elimination in Europe they went back to talking about the title, saying they wanted to beat Inter in the Scudetto fightback.

没有玩乐日,不准看电视,不准玩电子游戏,每天弹琴几小时,这种高压下的孩子快乐吗?如果他们反抗怎么办?Can a regimen ofno play dates, no TV, no computer games and hours of music practicecreate happy kids? And what happens when they fightback?

从今年四月开始,新立法议会把脱衣舞俱乐部重新归类成“性娱乐区”。Since April this year there had been a fightback from councils after new legislation re-classified the clubs as "sex entertainment venues".

今年可能仅仅是传统媒体帝国大反击的开始,是媒体内涵贬值的结束的开端。This year may just be the start of the great fightback by the legacy media empires, the beginning of the end for the devaluation of content.

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政府军已安装一对叛军谁上升在二月中旬到月底卡扎菲上校的41年执政强烈反击。Government forces have been mounting a strong fightback against the rebels who rose up in mid-February to end Col Gaddafi's 41 years in power.

在苏尔特最后一击之前,有报告显示卡扎菲为他的反攻,用掠夺的黄金支付从非洲各地招募来的雇佣军。Before the final shootout in Sirte, there were reports that Gaddafi was recruiting mercenaries from across Africa, paid with looted gold, for his fightback.

比赛进行到90分钟时替补上场的埃姆雷开出角球,塞内加尔国脚头球打破了麦克·泰勒把守的大门帮助喜鹊取得三分,完成了一次勇敢的反击。The Senegal international headed substitute Emre's 90th-minute corner past Maik Taylor to snatch all three points as the Magpies completed a gritty fightback.

德克萨斯人在第四节最后6分多钟时还发现自己落后15分,而此时德克•诺维茨基正鼓舞着球队来一次惊天大反击。The Texans found themselves 15 points down with just over six minutes left on the clock in the fourth quarter, when Dirk Nowitski inspired a stunning fightback.

正在比赛朝着一边倒的局面发展时,高洪波提出对位换人,中国队奋勇反击,于海一记左脚射门将比分扳回了1-3。Just as the match looked like a lop-sided flop for China, Gao Hongpo's side changed a spirited fightback with Yu Hai's left-foot shot turning the scoresheet to 3-1.

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在这场比赛之后,许多阿森纳球员赞扬他们主帅在中场休息时的球队训话,但是温格自己并未感到任何沾沾自喜。After the match a number of Arsenal players paid tribute to their manager's stern half-time team talk but Wenger himself refuses to take any credit for the fightback.

微软的诉讼案远未结束,但它发起的猛烈回击使许多观察家怀疑政府究竟能否成功地将微软分解。The company's legal problems are far from over, but a furious fightback has left many observers sceptical that the government will ever succeed in breaking up Microsoft.

也许我们应该把它视为如美国国内对于伊拉克的争论一样,是反击近来绑架美国的一部分。Perhaps we should see it as part of a wider fightback against the recent hijacking of America that can also be seen in the renewed energy of the US domestic argument about Iraq.