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他已经做完了他该做的。He's finished with his pastoral.

是教牧书信的作者。It's the writer of the Pastoral Epistles.

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教牧书信是在攻击这位作者吗?Are the Pastoral Epistles attacking this author?

王维是盛唐时期著名的山水田园诗人。Wangwei was a famous pastoral poet of landscape.

这一直都是田园诗派的组成部分之一。This has always been a part of the pastoral genre.

展示了昌宁的山水田园风光及人文风貌。Changning shows pastoral scenery and human landscape.

但这种田园诗般的乡村风光只汪是一个侧面而已。This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picure.

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在田园诗范畴内诗的职业就是牧羊。This is the vocation of poetry in this pastoral lexicon.

1959年牧区全面实行了人民公社化。From 1959, the pastoral areas practiced people's commune.

他是从维吉尔的一首田园诗中借鉴的。He has taken it from one of the pastoral poems of Virgil.

动物牧养设施安全维护管理。Animal pastoral facilities security maintenance management.

所以我准备多花一点时间来说说田园交响曲。So I'm spending a little extra time on the Pastoral Symphony here.

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我们活动的第一站是晚上拜访澳门教区青年牧民中心。The first stop of our visit was the Diocesan Youth Pastoral Center.

而目前给牧区牧民的补贴是属于被动性补偿性补贴。But the subsidy of pastoral area and herdsman is passive and back-off.

因此田园挽歌的形式是很固定的。So we have in the pastoral elegy a generic form that's highly predictable.

请为教会的聘牧和福音的使命与方向代祷。Please pray for pastoral search and church's vision, mission and direction.

表现了牛在溪边饮水的迷人的田园风光。The picture showed a charming pastoral scene of cows drinking from a stream.

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聘牧委员会当向执事会推荐牧师候选人。The pastoral search committee shall recommend candidates to the Church Board.

阿波罗警告维吉尔,作为一个田园诗人,不要妄想着逾越他的界限。Apollo warns Virgil that a pastoral poet simply shouldn't overstep his bounds.

阿波罗警告维吉尔,作为一个田园诗人,不要妄想着逾越他的界限。Apollo warns Virgil that a pastoral poet simply shouldn't overstep his bounds.