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隐藏证据是违法的。Concealment of evidence is against the law.

真相无所惧,惟怕被隐瞒。Truth is afraid of nothing but concealment.

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事实不怕别的,就怕被隐瞒。Truth is afraid of nothing but concealment.

后来,香市渐渐匿迹了。Later, incense gradually concealment of the city.

在中国古代其被称之为亲亲相隐制度。In ancient China, it is called Concealment System.

对373特遣部队战斗角色的隐瞒是一个永恒的话题。The concealment of TF 373's role is a constant theme.

基于相似性的搭载模型是实现信息隐蔽的一般框架。It is proposed for the concealment of confidential information.

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对税捐机关隐瞒收入是违法的。The concealment of one's income from the tax office is illegal.

你无法控制,而开诚布公比遮遮掩掩效果更好。You can't control, and revelation works better than concealment.

如道具功能、依倚功能、屏障掩映功能。"Langan" functions variously as prop, dependence and concealment.

与此类似的,女人是男人的遮护,反之亦然。Similarly, women are a source of concealment for men and vice versa.

第二部分是亲属容隐制度价值研究。The second part is the value research of relative concealment system.

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不够总的来说,这种方法在隐藏信息方面是及其高杆的。But overall, this method provides excellent concealment for hidden messages.

第三部分是亲属容隐制度规范研究。The third part is the criterion research of the relative concealment system.

风吹的时间,就像生命在流血一样,让人隐隐作痛。Wind blow in the time, just like life is bleeding, let me pain in concealment.

给出了一种基于无损自嵌入的图像修复方法。This paper presents an image error concealment method using lossless self-embedding.

时下日渐流行巧妙的隐藏技术,这只是其中的一个例子。It's just one example of a growing trend towards ingenious concealment of technology.

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烟幕弹用于开阔地或者街巷的隐蔽。Smoke grenades are used for concealment while moving over open areas such as streets.

这种软件加密方法特点是实现简单,隐蔽性好,成本低。The characteristics of the methods are easy realization, good concealment and low cost.

结果,“社群主义”实现的却是“文化原子”中的“自我”隐蔽。As a result, what communitarianism realizes is the concealment of self in"cultural atom".