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确定关键链。Identify key chain.

我们何时可以指认他们?When can we identify them?

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了解是什么浪费了你的时间。Identify your time-wasters.

识别和减轻风险。Identify and mitigate risks.

辨认所弹奏的音程。Identify the interval played.

确定您想要到哪里。Identify where you want to be.

学会怎样辨别杂乱。Learn how to identify clutter.

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我认得出他的笔体。I can identify his handwriting.

找出你的弱点。Identify the weakness. 'Fess up.

我不能够辨别出这个签名。I cannot identify this signature.

我必须要辨明它,且放胆奔跑。I must identify it, and then run.

学习怎样使说话人性格化。Learn how to identify the speaker.

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男女生分角色问答唱。Identify roles boys and girls sing.

然后,你也能够确认这个。Then you can identify this as well.

尽早的发现和更正问题。Identify and correct problems early.

你如何确认他们是否有这样的能力?And how do you identify these skills?

要找到每个习惯的所有诱因。Identify all of them, for each habit.

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识别潜在的歪斜和异常值。Identify potential skew and outliers.

很明显,这点我现在可以确信无疑。Obviously, right now, I can identify.

我将伱的幸福当作是我的幸福。I identify your happiness with my own.