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那窃贼用刀刺追赶他的人。The thief knifed his chaser.

马克过去是个师奶杀手。Mark always was a lady-killer, a chaser.

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你对打追球手还有兴趣吗?Are you still interested in playing Chaser?

“我们叫追梦者“空间多功能飞行器”是有原因的。We call Dream Chaser a 'space utility vehicle' for a reason.

使我烦躁不安的是无法表达自己的想法,人们认为我是一个追逐女色的人。But what eats me up is that I can't express myself. People think I'm a cunt chaser.

硬质合金螺纹梳刀是油井管生产的重要工具。Carbide-tipped chaser is an important tool for the production ofpetroleum steel pipe.

凯文·马丁总被看作万年鱼腩队住民,数据刷子,外加防守筛子。Kevin Martin has a reputation as a lottery-team dweller, a stat chaser and a terrible defender.

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有龙卷风的场合,利用飞起的杂物,使用web-zip在空中行动超过30秒。Tornado chaser Stay airborne for 30 seconds by web zipping on objects hurled by sandman's tornado.

通常情况下追赶者是一只怪兽或某些穷凶极恶的人,有时也可能是一种动物在追赶你。Most often the chaser is a monster or some person that is frightening, and occasionally it may be an animal.

如果在清洗装置后用蒸汽清扫,在管道内也会遇到类似的情形。A similar situation can be encountered during line pigging if a vapor chaser is used after the pigging device.

本文对一类非合作目标交会的相对导航问题进行了研究。This paper deals with a kind of relative navigation problems when a chaser approaches a noncooperative target.

察塞每天学习一两个单词,现在已经可以辨别上千物品。Chaser learned one or two proper nouns a day and in time could distinguish between more than a thousand objects.

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如果魁地奇季赛照常举行,格兰芬多队将挑选至少两名追球手苗子。If the Quidditch season takes place as usual, the Gryffindor team will hold tryouts for at least two Chaser positions.

龙头风逼近南达科塔时,一名追风人拿着相机拉开了架势,他的同伴上了车。One tornado chaser with a camera poses while his partner gets into their truck as a tornado approaches in South Dakota.

因此,“追梦者”太空船被安装在位于科罗拉多大学博尔德分校实验室的地震模拟器上进行测试。So the Dream Chaser frame has been mounted on an earthquake simulator in a lab at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

送桩完成后必须缓慢拔出送桩器,不得硬拔蛮拽而使送桩器弯折变形。After completing pile-following, the chaser shall be drawn out slowly. It can not be drawn toughly to be bent or deformed.

内华达山脉公司并非完全从头开始就设计“追梦者”太空船,它还制造卫星,传感器和其他部件。Sierra Nevada, which also makes satellites, sensors, and other components, did not design the Dream Chaser from the ground up.

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而试验也证明,一杯咖啡过后的小睡能够让人坚持精神亢奋的时间最长。So in testing, the combination of a cup of coffee with an immediate nap chaser provided the most alertness for the longest period of time.

为了这次壮景而来印度旅行的追日者Pasachoff说,尽管如此,仍然有部分亚洲人欣赏到了这场引人注目的持久的日环食。Still, parts of Asia were treated to significantly long-lasting rings, noted eclipse chaser Pasachoff, who traveled to India for the spectacle.

其他尖叫着的雌性咬牙切齿的挥舞着她们的爪子,试图营救她们的伙伴。Tables will turn on the chaser when other females—screeching spitfires gnashing their teeth and waving their nails—come to rescue one of their own.