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曾经有一个天才射手。There was once a gifted marksman.

曹政真是一个射手。Merlin was actually quite the marksman.

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第二颗子弹,由原先的那个枪手射出的,一下使他停了下来。A second bullet from the same marksman stopped him short.

英军侦查小组神枪手射击的距离由35米减少为30米。British Deploy Marksman ability range reduced from 35 to 30.

这将大部分已经被不公平的射手的球员。This would have been largely unfair to the Marksman players.

然后,一名神枪手用麻醉飞镖射击大猫。A marksman then shoots the cat with a dart full of anesthetic.

不再迫使射手蜷缩在一起,并停止移动时使用。No longer forces the Marksman to crouch and stop moving when used.

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叶凌青证实了玄娃就是响林游击队的弩箭手。Ye Lingqing confirmed the guerrillas Lin xuan Eva is rang a marksman.

在这个补丁,我们已经进行了全面的平衡,通过对射手。In this patch, we've done a comprehensive balance pass on the Marksman.

我的老妈桑迪虽然不玩太激烈的运动,但她是个优秀的射手。My mother, Sandee, didn't play athletics but she was a very good marksman.

但是正面射出的弩箭也在此时不偏不倚射入刀锋胸膛。But positive injection marksman at this time also scored impartial blade chest.

超级9气枪球员,谁是新的射手角色的理想选择。The Super 9 is the ideal choice for Airsoft players who are new to the marksman role.

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列御寇是一名神射手,有一回,他邀请伯昏无人前来观看他的射箭表演。Lie Yukou was a famous marksman. Once, he invited Bohun Wuren to his exhibition of archery.

一位警方的神枪手射击两次,将达根击毙在他乘坐的车外。He was killed outside the vehicle he was travelling in, after a police marksman fired twice.

它将有微小的概率出场,在有爆破兵火炮兵或者狙击手时概率会稍微增加。It would be a rare chance, somewhat increased if there was a an Assaultman, FO, or Marksman.

列御寇为有名的神射手,有一回他邀请伯昏无人来参观他射箭表演。Lie Yukou was a famous marksman . Once, he invited Bohun Wuren to his exhibition of archery.

他的家人只能嚎啕大哭,眼睁睁地看着这个出色的神枪手在扭曲翻滚中痛苦地死去。His family could only cry and watch this expert marksman twist and writhe in his death agonies.

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他的家人只能嚎啕大哭,眼睁睁地看着这个精彩的神枪手在扭曲翻腾中疾苦地死去。His family could only cry and watch this expert marksman twist and writhe in his death agonies.

约克是一个普通的士兵,但国防教育使他成为一个出色的神枪手。York was a reluctant soldier, but his frontier upbringing had made him an outstanding marksman.

这名意大利国脚在2002年加盟斑马军团,随后的日子里被租借到萨勒尼塔纳和利沃诺。The Azzurri marksman signed for Juventus in 2002 before being loaned to Salernitana and Livorno.