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有节制的使用脂油。Use fats sparingly.

谨慎地使用副词。Use adverbs sparingly.

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但猪肉和牛肉食用不多。Pork and beef are used sparingly.

请省着点使用一行程序技能。Use your one-liner skills sparingly.

干酪和咸肉,千万别吃够。Cheese and salt meat, should be sparingly eat.

外界的帮助缓慢地陆续到达。Outside help is slowly and sparingly arriving.

如果需要,最好保持静默或言简意赅。If need be, be mostly silent or speak sparingly.

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触摩是强而有力的沟通方式。但要尽量少用。Touch is a powerful communicator. Use it sparingly.

如果你想吃干果的话,节俭点吧。If you’re going to eat dried fruit, do it sparingly.

这种价格不菲的调味品仅是用来烹调时节省地使用。This expensive spice was used only sparingly in cooking.

允许口服液体补充静脉体液量。Intraenous fluid repletion allows oral fluids to be offered sparingly.

允许口服液体补充静脉体液量。Intravenous fluid repletion allows oral fluids to be offered sparingly.

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在炽热的下午,桑提亚哥节省地喝起水壶里的水。Santiago drank sparingly from his water bottle during the hot afternoon.

加一点蜂蜜或浓缩苹果汁或梨汁,让菜带点甜味。Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or concentrated apple or pear juice.

詹姆略微吃了一点,并且和小派,霍斯分享了一袋酒。Jaime ate sparingly and shared a skin of wine with Peck and Hos the hostage.

少作承诺,并保证它们的信誉。一旦作出承诺,无论付出多大代价都要履行。Make promises sparingly , and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs.

我们得克服博内拉下一场的停赛,并且需要节约使用我们的精力。We have to overcome Bonera's suspension and we need to use our energy sparingly.

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以它们的真正成分来看待这些小吃,要有节制地食用它们。Treat these snacks as candy, which is what they really are, and eat them sparingly.

以含有酒精成份溶剂的清洁布去除量面上污秽。Use a soft cloth with alcohol based cleaner sparingly to clean the measuring faces.

照相时少用人工光源,尤其是在近距离时。Use artificial light sparingly for filming or photography, especially for close-ups.