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有一点骨裂。There's a hairline fracture.

镜面,蚀刻,发纹。Mirror Finish, Etching Finish, Hairline Finish.

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你可以清楚的看到,我发际正在逐渐后退。As you can clearly see, mu hairline IS receding.

我们实际上能够把罗得尼的发丝向下拉一点。We can actually pull Rodney 's hairline down a bit.

表面处理为亚光、镜光、拉丝、电镀。The surface treatment is Satin, Mirror, Hairline or Plating.

这个中年人已有了双下巴,头发也日渐稀少。The middle-aged man already has double chins and receding hairline.

只是这儿,你看,有点小问题。有一点骨裂。Everything is all right, except here, see it There's a hairline fracture.

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或以两眉头中间向上一横指起,直到后发际正中点。With two eyebrows upward or among the means, the point until after the hairline.

于睡前均匀涂抹于干燥皮肤,避免眉毛和发线。Apply liberally and evenly to dry skin prior to sleep. Avoid eyebrows and hairline.

欧元区离分崩离析尚远,然而,似乎确实有了一些细小的裂缝。The Eurozone is far from shattered, yet there does seem to be some hairline cracks.

用剪刀从发际线下端向上剪。Begin cutting the hair upwards from the bottom of the hairline with the hair clippers.

当然,你也会看到曾经的朋友和女朋友,还有我孩子的成长和我头发的脱落。Also, you see old girlfriends and friends and your children going up and my hairline receding.

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用直刀和不带齿的见到把发际线剪成直线。Take a straight razor or the clippers without a gauge and trim the hairline in a straight line.

这是由于长期的拉紧头发,会导致头发逐渐脱落,尤其是在发际线处。It is caused by chronic pulling of the hair, leading to gradual hair loss, mostly at the hairline.

每日日夕以十指向后梳搔前额发际至枕后发际各60次。Daily Rixi to ten points after the comb scratched forehead hairline to the occipital hair 60 times.

对于某些人,巨大痛苦的来源是他们微微向后长的发型轮廓,无论如何它们看起来都像是现代社会的疾病。For some, a source of deep anguish is a receding hairline which somehow seems to be a modern malady.

不典型病变在脸上形成疹子,但通常发生在面颊或者发际。It is unusual for lesions to form on the face, but they may appear on the cheeks or at the hairline.

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面部除皱术的手术切口一般隐藏在耳内,沿耳垂及耳后进入发际。Incision face lift surgery generally hidden in the ear, along the ear lobe and ear into the hairline.

让我看看.一切基本正常.只是这儿.你看.有点小问题.有一点骨裂.I`ll just take a look at it. Everything is all right, except here, see it? There`s a hairline fracture.

在进行到头顶区域之前,先使用推剪技术精修发际线。Before proceeding to the top section, areas along the hairline are refined by scissor over comb technique.