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他们贪污挪用公款使商行破产了。Their embezzlement bankrupted the firm.

侵占罪的认定问题。The respect asserted of embezzlement crime.

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第三章,贪污罪的犯罪构成。Third section, Embezzlement crime criminal constitutes.

问题不仅仅是挪用公款和贪污受贿那么简单。The problem is not simply one of embezzlement and bribery.

银行家们可以谋划两种方式的欺诈和侵占行为。The banker can engage in two kinds of fraud and embezzlement.

侵占罪的立法完善建议。The suggestions to perfect embezzlement crime in legislation.

许多公司因为盗窃或挪用公款而破产。Many companies have gone broke because of theft or embezzlement.

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这个官员的贪污罪行造成民怨沸腾。The people are boiling with resentment over the officials embezzlement.

察举法虽然法限严格,仍存在诸多舞弊现象。Although Chaju was rigorous, there were still many embezzlement phenomena.

RA同时提到使用一家假公司的名称来掩盖侵吞公款。RA would also mention the name of a bogus firm to cover up the embezzlement.

中外刑法中关于侵占罪之比较。The comparison about embezzlement crime in criminal laws at home and abroad.

他因被指控贪污盗窃而锒铛入狱。He was accused of graft and embezzlement and was chained and thrown into prison.

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但是去年底,他再度被判有罪,这次的罪名是巨额贪污。But late last year he was convicted again, this time of large-scale embezzlement.

他处理了大量的失踪人口案件、贪污和产业情报刺探事件。He dealt with lots of missing persons cases, embezzlement and industrial espionage.

侵占罪是一种古老且时至今日仍常见多发的犯罪。The prescription of crime of embezzlement is a great step in the criminal legislation.

要解决这些问题,应从立法上完善职务侵占罪。To solve these problems, we must perfect the crime of official embezzlement in legislation.

霍多尔科夫斯基现在正等着一项贪污和洗钱的新审判。Khodorkovsky now awaits another trial on fresh charges of embezzlement and money-laundering.

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虽然我国电话普及率逐年提高,但盗打现象依然存在。The popularization ratio of telephone has been raising, phenomena of embezzlement still exists.

在索龙危机期间,帝国情报人员诬陷阿克巴贪污。During the Thrawn crisis, Imperial Intelligence agents framed Ackbar for an embezzlement scheme.

李佳颖与吕总见面,她告诉他,陈文浩有挪用公款的行为。Chia-ying lee and lu the meeting, she told him, wen-hao Chen has the behavior of the embezzlement.