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你还是那么暴躁。You are still so irascible.

近侍们从未见过伯爵如此阴郁和气急败坏。His subordinates had never seen the count so gloomy and irascible.

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更糟的是,她经常被她母亲暴躁的脾气逼得四处流浪。What's worse, she is usually knocked around by her irascible mother.

父亲停了下来,回过头去——在那灰白而又易怒的两道浓眉下面,一双严厉的眼睛直盯看他。His father paused and looked back-the harsh level stare beneath the shaggy, graying, irascible.

父亲停了下来,回过头去——在那灰白而又易怒的两道浓眉下面,一双严厉的。His father paused and looked back-the harsh level stare beneath the shaggy, graying, irascible brows.

几分钟后,他想知道跟自己这样脾气暴躁的人打交道,阿瑞安娜会不会感到紧张。A few minutes later, he wondered if she was nervous about dealing with someone as irascible as himself.

他得和灌木、荨麻、出楂、野蔷薇、飞廉和一触即怒的黑莓打交道。He had to deal with holly bushes, nettles, hawthorns, eglantines,thistles, and very irascible brambles.

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他得和灌木、荨麻、出楂、野蔷薇、飞廉和一触即怒的黑莓打交道。He had to deal with holly bushes, nettles, hawthorns, eglantines, thistles, and very irascible brambles.

他的上司,第五航空队的副司令,埃尼斯.怀特黑德准将,和他一样也是一个脾气暴躁的家伙。His superior was Brigadier General Ennis Whitehead, deputy commander of the Fifth Air Force and just as irascible as Pappy.

他信否认对王室不忠,并对泰国当前的“贵族”政府嗤之以鼻。His backers point the finger at the irascible Mr Thaksin, who denies disloyalty to the throne while cocking a snook at “aristocratic” Thai government.

巴里的失宠于众最富于戏剧性,但跟富塞利一样曾给威廉•布莱克传授过技艺的这位性情暴躁的爱尔兰艺术家,还是拥有许多让人敬佩的地方。Barry's ★fall from grace was the most dramatic, but there is much to admire in this irascible Irish artist who, like Fuseli, once taught William Blake.

性格乖戾、脾气暴躁、异乎寻常的名利和权力欲望使斯塔克不能见容于科学共同体。Stark, who was known as behavior perversely, irascible temper, unusually eager for fame, interests and power, was rejected by the scientific community.

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虽然吉尔先生说这场中风使他成熟了许多,但他依然保持着他作为一个激进,有时脾气暴躁的人物的本真,一如他长期在人们心目所具有的名声那样。As much as Mr. Gilb says that the stroke has mellowed him, he also remains true to his longstanding reputation as a boisterous, sometimes irascible figure.

未能确定时间的姚如实回答,但这令乘客变得更加暴躁,要求姚打开车门,让他们下车阻断京九线。Yao could not determine the time to answer truthfully, it has become more irascible passengers for Yao opened the door for them to alight blocking the Beijing-Kowloon line.

亨利叔叔是个性情暴戾老绅士,矮个儿,大肚子,脸孔红红的,一头蓬乱的银白长发,他非常看不惯那种女性的怯弱和爱说大话的习惯。Uncle Henry was a short, pot-bellied, irascible old gentleman with a pink face, a shock of long silver hair and an utter lack of patience with feminine timidities and vaporings.

当美国民主党复兴的时候,这位建筑师离开了白宫,把自己的党派弱化为一个年迈而易怒的核心,连总统的支持率也降到了最低。The architect leaves washington with the democratic party resurge nt his own party reduced to an ageing and irascible core and the president with one of the lowest approval ratings in history.