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从狂热到野蛮,仅一步之遥。From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step.

告诉我,是怎么从做一桩善举,走上不归路的?At what point does a noble deed turn into fanaticism?

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告诉我,是怎么从做一桩善举,走上不归路的?At what point does a noble deed turn into fanaticism ?

怀疑与狂热是同一新生事物的两面。Doubt and fanaticism are two sides of the same development.

这种狂热与极端实质上是一种政治变态。This kind of fanaticism is a species of political insanity.

但是他否认他们虔诚到成为狂热教徒的地步。But he denied that they were religious to the point of fanaticism.

一个憎恶,背叛,狂热的网络编织在他周围。A network of hate, treachery, and fanaticism was closing around him.

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告诉我,是怎么从做一桩善举,走上不归路的?Tell me something. At what point does a noble deed turn into fanaticism?

小心撒卡兰姆的信徒。盲目的狂信是他们最强大的武器。Beware the followers of Zakarum. Their fanaticism is their greatest weapon.

被有些人称作猜想或是盲信的,我称之为坚定的信念。What some people call presumption or fanaticism , I call solidity of purpose.

但是这种"道德狂热"使涂尔干的社会理论潜藏着一种危险。However, the moral fanaticism put Durkheim's social theory in a hidden crisis.

这种狂热将可能彻底摧毁一个公司,或者给.com时代带来另一个冬天。This fanaticism may destroy a good company, or even bring the .com to another winter.

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其实,家长的癫狂不过是标榜自我成功的一相情愿而已。What fires parents' fanaticism is their self-serving desire to announce their own success.

原因是,任何来得迅猛的激情和狂热,退下去的速度也会同样惊人。Reason is that any more rapid the passion and fanaticism , will retire on the same alarming rate.

中国人对英语口语的疯狂还没到这种程度,但也相去不远了。China has not yet reached the same level of fanaticism over spoken English, but it is not far off.

没有人愿意回到战争、革命、饥荒和狂热的年代。No one wants to turn back the clock to the darker days of war, revolution, famine, and fanaticism.

热情,从定义上来说是指宗教狂热,或者说是对圣灵的特别启示的信仰。Enthusiasm by definition is belief in special revelations of the Holy Spirit or religious fanaticism.

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我知道我们的教育遇到了源头上的阻碍,即宗教狂热。I knew that education was in danger from the source that has always hampered it—religious fanaticism.

后者体现的是一种“信仰之爱”,一种女主人公对诗意的迷狂。The latter embodies the love for faith, of which the strange woman was enchanted in esthetic fanaticism.

很多人士也会认为他们已昙花一现时﹐言承旭的歌迷所酿制的旋风﹐足以巩固此风靡浪潮﹐远于这见面派对之后。But the tsunami created by Jerry's fans serves to reinforce the fanaticism over the meet-and-greet party.