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心痛和头痛。Heartache and Headache.

我的头痛又发作了。My headache smote again.

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我头痛死了!I have a ginormous headache.

我头痛欲裂。I have a splitting headache.

我头痛得快要裂开似的。I have a splitting headache.

我头快痛死了。This headache is killing me.

啤酒从来不会头痛脑热的。A beer never gets a headache.

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我觉得冷,并且头会痛。I have chills and a headache.

头疼折磨着她。The headache excruciated her.

阿斯匹林可治头痛。Aspirin may remedy a headache.

我的头痛已经轻些了。My headache has been relieved.

她吃了点止头痛药粉。She took some headache powder.

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这事真令人头痛。This matter is a real headache.

你这里有治头痛的药吗?Do you have something for headache?

这种药使她的头疼得到缓解。This medicine quieted her headache.

王冠难治头痛。A crown is no cure for the headache.

我因头痛而吃了两片阿斯匹灵。I took two aspirins for my headache.

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您可能会头疼欲裂。You might have a splitting headache.

左筝真的很头痛。The left Zheng really has a headache.

我一解数学题就头痛。I become headache with maths problems.