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房屋主人端喝一杯酒敬酒。The client drinks a toast of schnapps.

这是一种从巴伐利亚黑森林进口的薄荷甜酒。Rumple Minze is a peppermint schnapps imported from the Black Forest in Bavaria.

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它是一种瑞士出产的肉桂甜酒,酒瓶中含有24克拉金箔。Goldschlager is a cinnamon schnapps produced in Switzerland containing 24-carat gold flakes.

我的样子一定狼狈不堪,因为老板二话不说,立马给了我两杯免费的杜松子酒。I must have looked bedraggled because the owner promptly gave me two free glasses of schnapps.

混合阿玛托、糖果味儿蒸馏酒及奶油入子弹杯,小心把奶油放在最上层。Mix amaretto schnapps and creme de cacao in tall shot glass. carefully layer irish cream on top.

混合阿玛托、糖果味儿蒸馏酒及奶油进子弹杯,小心把奶油放正在最上层。Mix Amaretto, schnapps and creme de cacao in tall shot glass. Carefully layer Irish cream on top.

相较之下,那些喝白酒和杜松子酒的人的胃则需要9个小时。By comparison, the process of gastric emptying would take nine hours in those who drank both wine and Schnapps.

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不久就很容易可以发现几乎每个节庆都会食用鲱鱼、马鈴薯、和香甜酒。It quickly became apparent that the herring, potatoes, and schnapps were consumed at just about every festivity.

南希还带来了瓶薄荷斯内普香甜酒,于是我们每个都喝了,味道还真是不怎么样,感觉就像伤风膏在我的胸口。Nancy has a bottle ofPeppermint Schnapps and we all drink some. It tastes awful, and it feels like Vicks VapoRub in my chest.

在马尔摩一间体育馆,欧德法克一边观赏瑞典传统歌舞表演,一边吃著腌鲱鱼与喝著香甜酒。In a Malmö stadium, Odfalk watched a performance of traditional Swedish songs and dances while eating pickled herring and drinking schnapps.

一个半小时孩子后,每组中的一半的人被随机抽中喝一小盅樱桃味的杜松子酒,每组中剩下的另一半则喝一小盅水。An hour and a half later, half of each group was again chosen at random to drink a shot of cherry schnapps. The other half drank a shot of water.