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吸式设计,可以产生相对焦油无气。Downdraft can be designed to produce relatively tar-free gas.

而倾斜的下沉气流前侧不利于窄带回波的形成。The front of inclining downdraft is unfavorable to the narrow-band echo.

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在低层,暴雨区的后部存在着弱下沉气流,并导致了一个相应的低层冷区和地面弱流出辐散气流。There was a weak downdraft at the rear of the heavy rain region at low level.

不止你一个,连沃伦·巴菲特在这次金融危机中也无法幸免于难。You're not alone. Even Warren Buffett isn't immune to the financial downdraft.

如果全球市场再次出现下滑,这类股票可能会大幅下跌。Such stocks could stumble hard if there were a new downdraft in global markets.

印度科技业前景黯淡对股市的影响显然超过了另外两个股市利好消息。The downdraft trumped two other developments that should have shored up the market.

随着商品证券跌价,美元将会成为胜之不武的赢家。In the downdraft from a commodity sell-off, the dollar would be the perverse winner.

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问题是,其中的许多资金在过去两年市场的下行中都已经损失了。Trouble is, a lot of that capital has gone away in the market downdraft of the past two years.

下降速度如此之快,吹散了所有有关全球增长脱钩和重新同步的言论。The downdraft was so brutal it blew away all talk of decoupling and resynchronised global growth.

也有历史证据表明,股市最黑暗的时期可能已经过去。There also is historical evidence to suggest the worst of the downdraft might already have passed.

有的单位在建造时,结合起来,下吸式或上升气流天然气生产crossdraft的优势。Some units are built to combine the advantages of cross draft with downdraft or updraft gas producers.

小型吸式气化炉干泥炭燃料,托盘已经成功地在天然气发动机系统。Small downdraft gasifiers fueled with dry peat-pallets have been successfully tested in gas-engine system.

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根据内燃式燃气发电机的性能参数和对燃气质量的要求,对下吸式生物质气化炉进行了设计。According to the character of IC engine and its requirement on gas quality, designed the downdraft biomass gasifier.

私募股权公司一直在寻找陷入股价下挫漩涡的公司。Private-equity firms have been searching for companies whose share prices have been caught in the general downdraft.

但随着经济衰退的状况日渐恶化,CRO被赋予了更多权力,甚至在最高管理层中比CFO更受重视。But as the economic downdraft worsened, they were given more power, giving the title even more value within the C-Suite.

许多投资人抱着看空期权度周末,以规避下周股市万一下跌的风险.Many investors picked up put options heading into the weekend to hedge against a potential downdraft in equities next week.

本论文采用已经在国内推广应用的XFF-1000型下吸式固定床气化炉气化。The gasification process adopted the XFF-1000 downdraft fixed-bed gasification furnace in this paper, which was used in our country.

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牛市在这些股市低迷时期之后最终到来。但是,“最终”也会在下跌过程中来几次小的反弹。Bull markets eventually follow these downturns, but again, the term "eventually" offers small sustenance in the midst of the downdraft.

像其他的富裕国家一样,当不断增长的通货膨胀使中央银行难以援助受困企业时,英国感到了信用危机带来的经济衰退。Like other rich countries, Britain is feeling the downdraft from the credit crisis at a time when rising inflation makes it hard for the central bank to provide succour.

国家海岸警备队的直升机在水面上方低空降临,下降的气流在水面吹出一道波谷,前来救援的小伙子们从缆绳上摇荡下来,尽人所能尽之力。The Coast Guard choppers are coming in low over the water, the downdraft streaking a trough across the surface, the rescue guys swinging from cables like anyone could do what they do.