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这是一笔无法估量价值的投资。It's really an incalculable value.

但事实上,成就是无法计算的。But, in truth, the gain is incalculable.

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对于平民,这项研究成果更是具有不可估量的作用。For civilians, the impact would incalculable.

我国在各领域都有数不清的世界之最。There are incalculable wonders in every field.

核子战争所造成的损失是无法估量的。The loss caused by a nuclear war is incalculable.

各国为此而付出的医疗、安全和法律代价不可估量。The medical, security, and legal costs to countries are incalculable.

最重要的是,朝鲜境内的成功在境外结出无可计数的胜果,而他一无所获。Above all, he has lost the incalculable fruits outside Korea of success in Korea.

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上帝之言乃是言词之王,其统摄之威力无可估量。The Word of God is the king of words and its pervasive influence is incalculable.

这对个人的自尊和性格发展的伤害是难以估计的。The harm to individual self-esteem and character development would be incalculable.

所以确定具体去找谁、和谁谈,这些都是可以预料的。So determining who specifically to target and talk to is not an incalculable problem.

数不清的成吨破损残骸被收拢,碾碎,然后回收或掩埋。The incalculable tons of wreckage are being collected, crushed and recycled or disposed.

登上珠穆朗峰所产生的影响是难以估量的。扬哈·斯本说道。This is the incalculable good which the ascent of Mount Everest will confer, " he said."

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那么,那种能够把生命不可或缺的睡眠从自心中剥夺却又难以捉摸的感觉究竟是什么?What, then, is that incalculable feeling that deprives the mind of the sleep necessary to life?

但毋庸质疑的是,如果罢工按计划进行,大英航空的长期名誉损失将不可估量。If the strike does go ahead, the long-term damage to the airline's reputation will be incalculable.

有时山洪暴发,河堤决口,给人民的生命财产造成了无法估量的损失。Sometimes, flash floods, the river breaches, to people's lives and property caused incalculable loss.

许多小宝宝摇着手中价值五十美元的象牙摇铃,嘴里咿咿呀呀,彼此打着招呼。Incalculable infants wave their fifty-dollar ivory rattles in an inarticulate greeting to one another.

说不定“安内”还没完,南海已经被侵吞得差不多了,能源的巨大损失更无法估量。Maybe" security" is not the end, the South China Sea has been embezzling almost, energy losses more incalculable.

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如果在各类市场都扮演着重要角色的AIG崩溃,对经济将产生不可估量的影响。If AIG, a huge player in all kinds of markets, had gone down, the impact on the economy would have been incalculable.

邓布利多至少教哈利认识到某些类型的魔法,认识到某些行为有不可估量的神力。Dumbledore had at least taught Harry something about certain kinds of magic, of the incalculable power of certain acts.

而当人意识到他可以轻易变成野兽时,他所产生的这种难以预料的错愕和震惊也成就了这本书。But it is also the product of that incalculable amazement man feels at being conscious of the beast he becomes effortlessly.