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我们将担任领导角色,这样的要求现在被压制着。We will lead. There is a pent up need for this.

他把因挫败而郁积的怒气发泄在家人身上。He took his pent up frustration out on his family.

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一天闷住了的感情必得要发泄一下了。The feelings pent up through the day would have vent.

现在在你的心理更多的是挫折感呢还是一种向上的动力?Is there any sort of pent?up frustration or aggression inside you?

林点了下头,杨紧紧拥抱着她,在哭泣中释放着压抑多年的情感,“对不起,我错了!Lin nods. Yang hugs her tightly as pent up emotions give way to uncontrollable sobbing.

做运动的过程中,压抑的心情得到释放,会使你感到轻松愉快。Pent up stress energy in released during exercise leaving you feeling light and relaxed

在伦敦,我守在肮脏的住所里面,那地方狭窄得无法转身。At london I am pent up in frowzy lodgings where there is not room enough to swing a cat.

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它将伴随墨西哥湾事件发生,因为我们必须抵达那里并移除那些被封闭的气体。It will happen still with the GOM incident, because we must get in there and remove those pent up gasses.

对话费账单怨气颇深的消费者会欢迎任何一个替代品的出现。Consumers pent up anger over nickle and diming cell phone bills will ensure that a real alternative will be welcomed.

另一方面,娱乐与工作一样重要,因为它为您提供渲泄压抑情绪的渠道。On the other hand, Play is as necessary as work. because it offers you various ways to let out your pent up emotions.

他那满载着两天两夜被囚禁的怒火的一百四十磅的身体直朝那人扑过去。Straight at the man he launched his one hundred and forty pounds of fury, surcharged with the pent passion of two days and nights.

对于在炎热的盛夏之月里禁锢在伦敦的任何人说来,在初次尝味的田园生活里,自有一种难以描摹的、感觉上的喜不自胜之情。To any one who has been, during the hot summer months, pent up in London, there is in the first taste of rustic life a kind of sensuous rapture scarcely to be described.

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他们认为,应该让金属消费方更易获得信贷,之后他们才会增加支出.信贷紧缩阻碍了金属交易并使需求受到抑制.Instead, they said metal consumers will need to see easier credit terms before increasing their spending. Tight credit conditions have impeded trade and created pent up demand.

当丽的小女儿像被人恐吓时,她的伙伴们就把抑制的怒火发泄在土耳其籍的回教徒邻居身上,并且进行残暴的报复。When Leigh-Anne Williams' young daughter is seemingly threatened, the gang turn their pent up anger towards a Turkish Muslim neighbour, and initiate a brutal campaign of hatred.

她向科玛斯解释,一旦她打破沉默将会发生些什么,一旦她真正选择揭开那些,禁锢在她内心许久的浮夸的力量。She explains to Comus what would happen should she actually choose to break her silence, should she actually choose to unleash all of the rhetorical powers that she has pent up inside of her.

接连被和两部“大片”蹂躏之后,终于有一部能让我爽爽地在院里消磨100分钟的电影看了,一周来郁结在心中的怨气终于得以疏解。And by two series of "large" devastated, I can finally have a Shuangshuang in the yard to spend 100 minutes watching movies a week to pent -up emotion in the hearts of grievances to finally ease.