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开始刮东南风。A southeast wind was blowing.

我喜欢东南亚的人妖!I love the southeast Asian shemales!

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问题是否都处在东南方?Are the problems all in the Southeast?

河南省在山西的东南边。Province is on the southeast of Shanxi.

东南和西部地区进步要逊色一些。The Southeast and the West fared worse.

天津在北京的东南边。Tianjin lies to the southeast of Beijing.

罗汉果是一个水果来自东南亚。Mangosteen is a fruit from southeast Asia.

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也有人说是从东南向西北移动。Some said it moved southeast to northwest.

风向盛行西北转南东。Southeast winds prevailing northwest turn.

莫非今年的圣诞节提前降临南亚?Has Christmas come early to southeast Asia?

我已经从东南大学毕业。I have graduated from Southeast University.

产于东南亚象雪貂的獾。Small ferret-like badger of southeast asia.

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塔斯梅尼亚岛上的最南海角是最南端。Southeast Cape is the most southerly point.

奇异果叫什麽在东南亚?What is kiwi fruit called in southeast Asia?

柳橙是一种源自东南亚的常见水果。Orange is a common fruit from Southeast Asia.

从井岗山,我们往东南直取瑞金。From Jinggangshan we drove southeast to Ruijin.

这个时令,哪有东南风呢?How can the southeast wind blow in this season?

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福建省位于中国的东南部。Fujiang Province lies in the southeast of China.

这个暑假我计划去东南面。I plan go to the Southeast this summer vacation.

荔枝是一种源自中国东南部的一种热带水果。Lychee is a tropical fruit from southeast China.