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她毫无保留地献身于这伟大的事业。She has devoted herself unreservedly to the great cause.

他们把技术知识毫无保留地传授给了我们。They unreservedly passed on to us their technical know-how.

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我发自肺腑地毫无保留地向你们所有的人道歉。I give my apology sincerely to you all, unreservedly and with my heart.

近年来,朝鲜对于韩国一贯是毫无掩饰的敌对政策。The North’s recent policy toward the South has been unreservedly hostile.

因为她的人品和才能,我真诚地、毫无保留地向你推荐她。I sincerely recommend her to you unreservedly as to her character and ability.

我们为泰勒先生有关不当行为的非难表示诚挚道歉。We apologise unreservedly for any imputation of incorrect behaviour by Mr Taylor.

本着这一精神,我想在此列出让我毫无保留地热爱中国的五件事。In that spirit, le me list here some five things that I unreservedly love about China.

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与大多数处于西边的欧洲相比,他们几乎是毫无保留的亲美派。In contrast to most of their neighbors to the West, they are almost unreservedly pro-American.

他有极为精明的头脑同时他给我情感上的安全感,他教会我毫无保留的去爱。He has amazing clarity of thought and he's given me emotional security. He's taught me to love unreservedly.

因此,萨科齐呼吁卡扎菲“立即、无保留地”遵守国际社会的所有要求。Therefore, Sarkozy called Gaddafi "immediately and unreservedly" to comply with all requirements of the international community.

这样,我想爸爸时,能想到的都是他给予我的满腔慈爱,这能使我可以毫无顾忌、毫无保留地去怀念他。In this way, I think my father, he can think of is to give my wholehearted love, I can make this impunity , unreservedly to miss him.

在经济学人不遗余力的推动“自由贸易”之后,现在却开始担心中国在自由贸易下完全应得的崛起。After the Economist has unreservedly promoted "free trade" now it's worried about China the rising of which is fully due to free trade.

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第一种的人们,他们本身无法毫无保留地接受渲泄疗法,从佛洛伊德研究的观点,是可以理解的。The first category, the people who cannot yield themselves unreservedly to catharsis, can be understood in the light of Freudian research.

对西方自由主义者来说,甚至是那些认为开放市场是不言而喻的人,他们需要面对着自由市场普及所带来的一些难题。For Western liberals, even ones who believe in open markets as unreservedly as this paper, that means facing up to some hard facts about the popularity of their creed.