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告诉我为什么天使之眼不在这里?Asking why my Angel Eyes ain there.

为什么天使之眼不在这里?Tell me why my Angel Eyes ain there.

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直到上主从天垂顾怜视。Ain. Till the Lord regarded and looked down from the heavens.

因我城中的一切女儿,使我触目伤心。Ain. My eye hath wasted my soul because of all the daughters of my city.

艾因塞弗拉上次下雪还是在1979年,当时一场持续了半小时的暴风雪导致了交通瘫痪。Snow was last seen in Ain Sefra in 1979, when a half-hour snowstorm stopped traffic.

以国外引进的热膨胀测量仪为主要手段,全面地探讨了AIN材料的烧结过程。In this paper, we studied the sintering process of AIN material by means of thedilatometer.

位于阿拉伯联合酋长国的艾恩野生动物园景区,海岛猫鼬们正在一块岩石上享受它们的悠闲时光。Meerkats take it easy on a rock at Al Ain Wildlife Park and Resort in the United Arab Emirates.

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介绍了一种应用于大功率激光二极管列阵的新型单片集成微通道制冷热沉。A novel AIN monolithic microchannel cooled heatsink for high power laser diode array is introduced.

艾因先生是一个离婚律师在华盛顿和美国婚姻律师学会的资深会员。Mr. Ain is a divorce lawyer in Washington and a fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

板型是一项充满艺术创造的技术,是成衣业的主要技术支柱。Garment pattern is a technique full of artistic creation. It is them ain pillar for the garment industry.

本文介绍了不同类型带式压滤机结构型式的主要差别。The Paper aims to introduce them ain differences of the structures &types betw eendifferent Belt Press Filters.

公元1492年,在国王费迪南二世和王后伊莎贝拉一世的统治下,犹太人、吉普赛人和摩尔人被逐出西班牙。In 1492, under the rule of King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, Jews, Gy ies, and Moors were expelled from ain.

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其中,本征动力学速率常数通过模拟主要共聚基元反应得到。The intrinsic reaction rate constants were obtained by simulating them ain elementary reactions of copolymerization.

但艾因先生看到了那些希望他们能打破的增加,但不知道如何分割他们的钱相当。But Mr. Ain has seen an increase in those who wish they could break up, but do not know how to split their money fairly.

可用于海洋敏感器件封装的氮化铝陶瓷材料具有高的热导率特性,本文对它的热导率进行了实验研究。AIN ceramic material with high thermal conductivity, it can be used as the enclosure material for sea temperature sensor.

2010年9月8号,科罗拉多州博得附近,雨云群飞过野火肆虐的基山脉的山麓小丘上空。ain clowds move over a burning wildfire in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains on September 8, 2010 near Boulder, Colorado

在热带雨林采集蚂蚁的同时,雷还发现了一种不明种类的蝴蝶,它会尾随行军蚁的行军路线。While collecting ants in ther ain forest, R ay discovered a obscure species of butterfly th at would tag along the advancing lines of army ants.

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他于3月22日开始出现症状,3月28日到艾因•夏姆斯大学医院住院,4月3日开始使用奥司他韦进行治疗。He developed symptoms on 22 March and was admitted to Ain Shams University Hospital on the 28 March where he was started on oseltamivir on 3 April.

原有的针对单SCP智能网和高级智能网的SCP过载控制算法均无法直接应用到这种完全分布式的智能网环境中。The traditional reasearch results of SCP overload control in single SCP Intelligent Networks or AIN both cannot be used in multi-SCP Intelligent Networks directly.

进一步深化国有企业改革,建立健全规范的现代企业制度,使企业成为市场竞争的主体。Further efforts will bem ade to deepen the reform of St ate-owned enterprises, establish a complete and st and ard modern enterprise systemake enterprises them ain pl ayer in market competition.