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有游览图吗?Do you have tourist map?

三亚是个旅游胜地。Sanya is a tourist resort.

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一名游客总是呆在巴士里。A tourist stays on the bus.

那是一个旅游景点。That's a tourist attraction.

阿里是个有钱的旅游者。Ali is a well-heeled tourist.

三等舱就是一般游客用的舱座。A rd class is a tourist class.

游客专挑容易的路走。A tourist takes the easy road.

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在你自己的城市里来一次旅行吧。Be a tourist in your own city.

它可真是个旅游胜地呢。It's a really big tourist spot.

荆州是旅游中心。Jingzhou is the tourist center.

我每年夏天都做导游工作。I'm a tourist conductor summers.

王先生是一位满怀激情的游客。Wang was an enthusiastic tourist.

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那是一个旅游景点。It's a tourist place of attraction.

台湾观光局的员工。An employee of Taiwan's Tourist Bureau.

在旅游季节销售保持旺势。Sale hold up during the tourist season.

观光旅行者背了个包。The tourist carried a pack on his back.

“先生”这个旅者虔诚的答道."Sir"! The tourist answered reverently.

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她是一家旅游社地导游。She is tourist guide of a travel bureau.

旅游信息问讯处在哪里?Where is the tourist information center?

他走到交通警那里问路。A tourist walked up to me to ask the way.