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不知水深浅,切勿涉河滩。Wade not in unknown water.

不知水深浅,千万莫轻涉。Wade not in unknown water.

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我穿着这双靴子没法渡水。I can't wade in these boots.

大家下午好我是赵俊玮。Good afternoon, my name is Wade.

我们到浅水处去蹚水。We went for a wade in the shallows.

“我们四下看了看,“韦德说。”“We just looked around,” Wade said.

凯尔•韦德拿着他刚打下来的哀鸠。Kyle Wade holds a dove he just shot.

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这种天气我可不愿意趟水。I'm not going to wade in such weather.

我花了三个小时才总算读完它。It took me three hours to wade through.

我们也许只能涉水过河。We might have to wade across the river.

想要涉足易货行业?Want to wade into the world of bartering?

“他们喜欢我在身边,”韦德说。"They like having me around, " Wade said.

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库班冷冷地给了闪电侠一眼。Cuban gives a cold heartless look at Wade.

我每天沿着一条浅的有卵石的小溪跋涉。I wade down a shallow pebbly stream daily.

如果你对运球没有限制,我选韦德。If you had unlimited dribbles, I'd say Wade.

这是韦德最挂心的另一件事。It's the other ones that Wade worries about.

“我理解为什么勒布朗这么说,”韦德说。"I understand why LeBron said it," Wade said.

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我怎么能又跟你谈话又看这些东西呢?How can I wade through that and talk with you?

周六是罗伊诞辰38周年。Saturday is the 38th anniversary of Roe V Wade.

但是韦德是球队的队长,是精神的领袖。But Wade is the captain and the emotional leader.