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1970年代初期的重点是恢复邦交。In the early 1970s, the focus was on rapprochement.

然而,这种亲善不能只看一面。However, the rapprochement has hardly been entirely one-sided.

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法意的谅解是缔结和约的先导。The rapprochement between France and Italy will lead to a conclusion of peace.

有评论员称,他们个人友好关系的恢复会带来政治上的进步。Their personal rapprochement could lead to political progress, commentators say.

通过软实力机制中国与日本可以建立一种什么样的友好关系?What type of rapprochement can China and Japan build through soft power mechanisms?

当年中国外交事务的主调依然是和美国的友好关系。The rapprochement with the United States continued to dominate China's foreign affairs.

在日本看来,不解决这个问题,就不可能与朝鲜恢复任何形式的友好关系。Without settling this issue, Japan regards any form of rapprochement with North Korea as impossible.

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因此“一条线”战略的实质是安全战略上联美反苏的战略。" Therefore, "Rapprochement"strategy was "with the United States together, against the Soviet Union" in the security field.

你曾在1972年陪理查德·尼克松对中国进行过历史性访问,标志着中美间友好关系的建立。You accompanied President Richard Nixon to China in 1972 on a historic trip marking the rapprochement of U. S. -China relations.

民主领袖昂山素季被释放将近一年来,政府与之和解的进程进展顺利。Rapprochement with pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi appears to be going well since she was released from prison almost a year ago.

此外,还要通过与印度和巴基斯坦恢复邦交,解决区域的不安全感,而不仅仅是在克什米尔实施这一解决方案。It will also entail addressing regional insecurities by enabling rapprochement between India and Pakistan -- not least a resolution in Kashmir.

“一条线”战略是当时历史条件下中美苏复杂的三边安全关系折冲互动的结果。"Rapprochement"foreign strategy was a interactive outcome of complex trilateral Sino-US-Soviet security relations under certain historical conditions.

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虽然马英九曾谋求与中国在经济上和解,但他说,中国在地区内的实力越来越强,很多邻国都感觉受到了威胁。While Mr. Ma has sought economic rapprochement with China, he said many of China's neighbors have felt threatened by its increased power in the region.

他对谁已在近年来利比亚与外部世界和解的一部分西方国家领导人严厉的话。他说他感到被出卖了。He had harsh words for the Western leaders who have been part of Libya's rapprochement with the outside world in recent years. He said he felt betrayed.

这意味着整个增兵的努力----在伊拉克各主要群体之间达成政治,经济和军事的和解----已明显落空。Which means the whole endeavor of the surge—the political, economic, and military rapprochement between the major Iraqi groups has conspicuously failed.

他的演说的目的是以温和的方式开始两国的和解,目前,官员们承认两国在许多重大问题上陷入了僵局。His speech is intended to begin a modest rapprochement between the two countries, with officials acknowledging there remains an "impasse" on many major issues.

内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校的本杰明阿尔瓦拉多教授最近访问了古巴,探讨美国和古巴和解的机会。University of Nebraska at Omaha professor Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado recently visited Cuba to explore opportunities for rapprochement between the two governments.

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奥巴马总统正着手于一项就业计划,但是在即将到期的美国减少工资税等问题上两党达成协议可能性仍然不确定。Barack Obama is working on a jobs plan but the chances of a political rapprochement on issues like America's payroll-tax cut, due to expire soon, remain uncertain.

奥巴马总统和国务卿可能会听到美洲峰会上的一些与会国发出的美国-古巴和睦呼吁。President Obama and the Secretary of State are expected to hear calls for U. S. -Cuban rapprochement from a number of countries attending the Summit of the Americas.

越南在苏联支持下对柬埔寨长达九年的占领是推动苏联和亚洲各国关系以及中苏和睦的主要障碍。Vietnam's nine-year-old Soviet-backed occupation of Kampuchea is a major obstacle to improved Soviet relations with Asia and rapprochement between the USSR and China.