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大众自行车D8Public Bikes D8

在公众场合裸体的呢?Naked in public?

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关注公共数据。Mine public data.

第一层次是”公众刻板印象“There's "public."

公众演讲。Do public speaking.

遵守公共秩序。Observe public order.

你现在的学校是公立的吗?Is your school public?

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是公休假日吗?Is it a public holiday?

必须由公众来决定。The public must decide.

让他当众出丑。Embarrass him in public.

他侵吞公款。He embezzled public funds.

公共电话在哪儿?Where is public telephone?

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哪里有公用电话?Where is a public telephone?

在公共场合吐痰是粗鲁的。It is rude to spit in public.

公众是最好的审判员。The public is the best judge.

他叫喊,“为什么你要公开?”Why do you have to go public?

马克.凯斯勒公共关系部Mark Kessler, public relations

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在这些事上,民众是对的。On this, the public are right.

你能当众喝啤酒。You can have a beer in public.

将你的决心公之于众。Go public with your resolution.