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巴西国家计量局必须批准合作备忘录。Inmetro must approve the MOU.

可惜他都没回答我啊。让我哭吧。Hor sie kuih mou wey da or ah. Let me cry.

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李某便让张某为其报复。Li Mou lets Zhang Mou make reprisals for its.

现在不能仅称她为谋女郎了。Nowadays she cannot be only named as Mou girl.

丁某说,他不认识这些人。Ding Mou said that he did not know these people.

谔缡回眸那过往的曾经,原来只是一场游戏。Return to mou that past once, but it's only a game.

刘德华和金城武饰演的捕快和章子怡产生了错综复杂的三角恋情。Both Andy Lau and King Shing Mou fell in love with her.

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据此,法院判决林某必须偿还15250元给江某。Accordingly, the court decided to repay 15250 Yuan Lin mou.

牟心海,男,1964年于辽宁大学中文系毕业。Mou Xinhai, male, graduated in 1964 from Liaoning University.

诸葛端云黑着脸,眸子缓缓地眯了起来。The various Ge carries cloud dark face, Mou son slowly Mi get up.

不过眨眼睛,七焰眸子的谪仙没有了!However blink eyes, the Zhe fairy of seven sons of Yan Mou had no!

贝尼特斯,目标是6冠王。但他能做的比穆更好么?Benitez, the objective is 6 titles. But will he be better than Mou?

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中英和中欧于2005年和2006年先后签署了CCS合作谅解备忘录。That year, China signed with the UK the MOU on the CCS Cooperation.

牟世金先生是当代著名“龙学”专家。Mou Shijin is a expert in lecture of dragon of the contemporary era.

这个IP地址让大彭镇褚某浮出水面。This IP address lets big Peng press down Zhu Mou to rise to surface.

还有两人崔某和马某,车坐不下,未上车。There are two people and Cui Mou Ma, the car can 't sit down, not up.

约十分钟后,牟某的父亲赶到,将其领走。Approximately ten minutes later, Mou the father rushes , takes away it.

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及牟先生对于蕺山思想是否有其相应之理解?Does Mr. Mou have the corresponding understanding on Ji Shan's thoughts?

我们到我家隔壁或天母公园的溜冰场都可以。We can either go to the one next to my house or the one in Tien Mou Park.

2008年,该备忘录协议得到修改,以保护青铜时代和高棉时代的艺术品。In 2008 the MOU was amended to protect Bronze Age and Khmer Age artifacts.