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并无差异。No difference whatsoever.

我对此一点都不知道。I have no knowledge of it whatsoever.

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没有任何信息会泄露出来。And no information whatsoever goes out.

没有证据支持CAGW或是相关理论。No evidence to support CAGW whatsoever.

我对播客没有兴趣。I had no interest in podcasting whatsoever.

他对大乌贼可没什么兴趣。He had no interest whatsoever in giant squids.

他是个懒骨头,一点雄心壮志打死都没有。He is a lazybones with no ambition whatsoever.

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当我们分开的时候,我心如止水。I have no feelings whatsoever when were apart.

中国没有任何理由骄傲自满。China has no reason whatsoever to be complacent.

里面不含有任何园土或集料。It contains no field soil or aggregate whatsoever.

我们还没有做任何市场营销。We have not done any marketing whatsoever just yet.

众民说,你看怎样好就去行吧。And they said, Do whatsoever seemeth good unto thee.

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我们根本都没有机会。胜算的概率这么小。We had no chance whatsoever. Our odds were this small.

首先,她毕竟缺少一个学士学位。First, her lack of any undergraduate degree whatsoever.

而且,这是我们的权利,我们不会妥协。And we are not going to compromise our rights whatsoever.

你见到他时绝对不会感觉到任何危险。When you meet him, you get no sense of danger whatsoever.

两年来他们没有任何产品,进入市场。For two years they had no product on the market whatsoever.

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科学来不得半点虚伪和骄傲。No dishonesty or conceit whatsoever is permissible in science.

炎炎烈日下,我们挥洒着汗水,却无怨无悔。The hot sun, we sprinkle with sweat, has no doubts whatsoever.

这个消息在某种程度上是重磅炸弹,但是却不那么出人意料。The news was, somehow, a bombshell and no surprise whatsoever.