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它使小型,用心良苦弄错了积极的教训。Make it small, well intentioned mistake with a positive lesson learned.

我认为当初我们的本意是好的,但事情就是有点失控了。I think we were well intentioned but things just got a little out of control.

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道德主义的卫生政策——诸如惩罚吸毒者——可能具有良好的意图。Moralistic health policies such as penalising drug users may be well intentioned.

立意良善的运动,最后反倒伤害了原欲保护的对象。A well- intentioned campaign ended up hurting the very people it sought to protect.

然而,虽然本意是想尽全力帮他们找到工作,但有时候你的帮忙会起到反作用。However, even though it's well intentioned to try to help, sometimes your efforts can have a negative effect.

这些都是好心人送给她的,她什么也没带,就只身一人露宿街头,真是怪可怜的。These are well- intentioned people gave her, she brought nothing, alone on a street and the poor really strange.

我们这么做的目的更多是为防止意外,而非出自害怕被负面意图的人使用。We are doing this more so in order to prevent accidents, rather than by fear of abuse by ill intentioned people.

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没有冷处理他人的批评的能力,即使是最有善意的批评家也会伤害我们的自尊。Without an ability to put their comments in perspective, even the most well- intentioned critic will sap away at our self-esteem.

在种情况下,一些善意的公司可能会从某些对用户并没有好处的软件的发布或其产生的收入中获得利益。This can result in well- intentioned companies benefiting from the distribution or revenue generated by software that does not benefit you.

继续连结对于大揭破的急迫要求,经过爱和成心图的设法,给那些有能力制订这些声明的领导者们,他们将把你们带入这个门槛。Keep pressing for Disclosure through Love and intentioned thought to those leaders capable of making the announcement which will push you past this threshold.

对于双方“各打50大板”的处罚,无疑体现了赛会平衡各方利益的“用心良苦”。For both sides, "the 50 strokes of the cane to fight" the punishment, no doubt reflected the game will strike a balance between the interests of all parties "well- intentioned.

虽然上面的这些点子,或许动机是好的。但其结果却无法使学生能成为自我负责、能思考的、能关心别人的孩子。让我们进一步观察滥告状的行为。Although the ideas expressed above might be well intentioned , the results don't serve to create self-responsible, thinking, caring, children. Let's take a closer look at tattling.

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在这份协商性质的论文中,我们提出了数据共享目标以及达成这些目标的工作计划建议,激励受调查者行动起来,不要停留在立意好但很大程度上只有雄心的数据共享计划上。In this round table paper, we suggest goals for data sharing and a work plan for reaching them, and challenge respondents to move beyond well intentioned but largely aspirational data sharing plans.